More pics :)


Active Member
Great pic of the 6-line and the shrimp. The reason that you couldn't focus on the linkia is because these cameras use contrast to focus. The camera could not "See" the starfish against the flat background. I think that there is a manual focus setting on the camera for those tricky situations.


Active Member
Depth of field problem. Try putting the camera into Aperture Priority and testing out f/4, f/5.6, f/8, etc. and see if you can get better Depth of Field. This will rob you of some of your light but it will give you better sharpness. Tripod may be needed.


Active Member
ya well sucks having a 16mb card.. i get about 12 pics.. tomorrow going to get batteries, anything ya recommend ? i was gonan pick up the 1800mh kodaks ?
Nice shots slothy. Is that the camera Ryebread sent you? Very nice. What kind is that again may have to get one my pics are really blurry. But hey it is a 10.00 digital camera. Anyway great pics. And thanks guys for all your help on all my posts.