not that I have to worry about it too too much now being a FO tank, but I want to eventually convert over to a reef.
over the past couple months I've noticed that my calcium has gone from in the 300s to 500 and my alk has dropped from (can't remember exact #, my notes are at home) around 6 dKH to 5dKH.
I'm using Salifert tests and now with the calcium test, the test tube never even switches colors when you drip the solution I'm assuming that it's at least 500. (can it be more than 500?) Is this normal?
other parameters I test are amm, nitrite, and nitrite and all are zero. 1.024 salinity. And the only thing I've done in the past couple months is add new fish (waiting weeks in between each). Tank setup was April 2, 2003. I do make water changes 20% every 3-4weeks.
I'm at a loss trying to figure out why there is this shift in my calcium and alk.
So, how do I get to the optimal levels of calc and alk????????
I have begun to add only the ALK part of the B-ionic to the tank. (started this about 10 days ago...and I missed a few days in between here and there). Is this the right solution??? Don't Alk and Calcium work kinda like a see-saw? So if I seek to increase the alk, then calcium will decrease?
Then when I'm at the correct levels, I can start to drip KALK.
Am I way off on this or what? need Help from the experts. thanks! bang guy, broomer, kip...???
over the past couple months I've noticed that my calcium has gone from in the 300s to 500 and my alk has dropped from (can't remember exact #, my notes are at home) around 6 dKH to 5dKH.
I'm using Salifert tests and now with the calcium test, the test tube never even switches colors when you drip the solution I'm assuming that it's at least 500. (can it be more than 500?) Is this normal?
other parameters I test are amm, nitrite, and nitrite and all are zero. 1.024 salinity. And the only thing I've done in the past couple months is add new fish (waiting weeks in between each). Tank setup was April 2, 2003. I do make water changes 20% every 3-4weeks.
I'm at a loss trying to figure out why there is this shift in my calcium and alk.
So, how do I get to the optimal levels of calc and alk????????
I have begun to add only the ALK part of the B-ionic to the tank. (started this about 10 days ago...and I missed a few days in between here and there). Is this the right solution??? Don't Alk and Calcium work kinda like a see-saw? So if I seek to increase the alk, then calcium will decrease?
Then when I'm at the correct levels, I can start to drip KALK.
Am I way off on this or what? need Help from the experts. thanks! bang guy, broomer, kip...???