more q's on equipment.....


New Member
ok......the sump/refugium looks a bit difficult for my experience....what bio wheel or wet dry would anyone suggest? Also the same for a protein skimmer and power heads.....I have a 55 gal tank and plan on doing FOWLRLS......Please help I am about to start making my purchases and I want to get it right the first time......


Active Member
i recomend CPR for your bio and your skimmers. good price, good results!!! most people say maxijet for powerheads


Active Member
BTW CPR makes the hang on fuge thats too easy to use and you get the benifits of a fuge, tho its not huge like a rubbermaid fuge but it still works great and is not to ghetto looking. it hangs on the back of your tank.


Well-Known Member
For my money skimmers are optional. Better to set up the fug/sump or (if it were an option) buy a larger tank.
I recommend you add plant life (macro algaes/marine plants) right from the start. Wish I had done that.


New Member
thanks for the info......can anyone tell me what they think of the penguin 300 bio wheel? I have seen these in the past and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on these.....


It depends. If you will be using lots of LS and LR you may not need a filter. The sand and rock do that job, from what I have ready.

the claw

Active Member
I use the penguin 400 (i think) with the double bio wheel. It's a redundant filter for me, but it adds flow and does a good job filtering. It worked great for about a year, then I started having problems with the bio-wheels not turning. Calcerous algae and little tube/fan worms gunking things up. I also have prblems with coralline algae growing on the intake screen. The basin that the cartridges go into is nice because it acts as a mini-refuge, and copepods love the filters inside, feeding off of the trapped detritus. You just need to constantly rinse it out so that detritus build up doesn't add to your nitrate load. The containers or inserts that come with it are great for adding carbon and phosphate removers as well, if you desire it.


New Member

Originally posted by stumpdog
It depends. If you will be using lots of LS and LR you may not need a filter. The sand and rock do that job, from what I have ready.
Jeremy what you are saying that if I put the recommended LS and LR (which I have heard is 1.5lbs per gallon) then I shouldnt need to purchase a filter? Is that correct....