More questions


Thanks to all who answered.. I have some other questions..
Should I mix the salt in the tank or in seperate bucket?
Since the tank is empty I thought maybe it would be better.. ??
And yes.. I need more info on cycling the tank.. I guess I'm confused on how much water i should fill the tank up to.. and then add the live sand and rock, coral, etc.. and then fill it all of the way.. I still have to make sure the salt contant in stable.. Is this all making sense?
Thanks for all help!!
Best method is to mix the saltwater up prior to putting it in the tank. Easier to handle IMO.
As for the a search on the forum, you will find more posts than you can read in a day.
As for sand bed, I will let someone else help you with do's and don'ts on that, I am not currently running DSB.


When I set my tank up for the first time I just mixed it in a bucket, swirled it around a few times then poured it into the tank. Since your just setting it up and you have nothing in the tank their is no use in letting it sit for 24 hrs. I went ahead and threw a heater and a couple power heads for circulation in my tank while setting it up. I had the salt and sand in the tank all in the first day and just let everything settle for a week before starting on my sump. Since my budget was pretty small at the time I went slow and have had no problems so far.
Yes, it does make sense to me since I'm going through the process as well. From the posts I've done here are some answers:
1) Fill the tank like 2/3s, mix the salt in the tank, and add rock
(keeping in mind to mix some saltwater in buckets on the side
2) Fill the all the way, mix water, siphon 1/3 into buckets and add rock
3) Fill the tank, mix water, put rock in and let displacement fill your sump (if you have one)
or (my chosen path)
4) Fill the tank, mix water, cycle with a dead shrimp, do a water change, siphon 1/3 water off into a bucket, add rock, any unused water goes into the qt tank.
In any case be sure to add any "dead sand" to the tank BEFORE the water. Adding after has caused sooooo much frustration waiting for the cloud to settle.
Good luck!