more than complete 180 reef for sale in Indiana


I'm selling my complete 180 all glass aquarium. Livestock is included. I will not part it out so don't ask. I have over 7k invested in this system. Includes:
180 display, 35 gallon wet dry/sump, 30 gallon fuge, knop Ccalcium reactor, phosphate reactor, fluidized sand filter, PC actinics, 900 watts of MH, approx 200 lbs live sand, 250-300 pounds of live rock, some LPS and SPS corals, paired false perculas, mandarin dragonet, 6 line wrasse, many shrimp snails and starfish. 30 gallon QT tank, dual pump closed loop with little giant pumps, oceans motions valve, AAT moolight, lighthouse controller, heaters... too much too list. I also have other extras that will be thrown in such as a backup little giant pump, RO unit and anything else I have that is saltwater realted. This is a turn key set up plus some...
Asking $2000. If interested reply to this thread and we can talk.


Active Member
wow!!!! GREAT DEAL!!! if I was not off work due to a injury, I would be picking that bad bay up today! can't believe nobody has jumped on this deal yet!


Originally Posted by nwdyr
wow!!!! GREAT DEAL!!! if I was not off work due to a injury, I would be picking that bad bay up today! can't believe nobody has jumped on this deal yet!
That's what I was thinking. Too bad you are injured becasue Chicago isn't that far from me. Maybe 4 hours... especially the south side.
hey koogle, i could offer you about 1400 for the system...sorrys it's low but just to be able to transport all of that stuff would mean i need 2 vehicles and i live about 7 hrs away...erie, pa. if you are unable to sell your set for a while and get desperate you can email me at if you would like to try to make an agreement. if you were able to say sell off some fish, or corals or what not to lower the price to my range than i would for sure snatch it up in a second...up to you good luck