More than One Angel in a Tank


Active Member
I've been told not to keep more than one angel in a tank. Is this a requirement no matter how big the tank is?
I mean what if I have a 180 gallon tank that's 6' long, I still can't keep more than one angel in it? That'd suck.


i think in a 180 u should be able to keep 2 large ones....added at the same time, we have 4 dwarfs in our 280 with no fighting


Active Member
I have two pigmies in my 180g. A flame and CB. Theres no problems with, They dont like each other but they dont fight. I dont think I would try it in a 60 g. because they would be running into each other to much and fight. In a big tank they dont see each other much and they do cruise the whole tank constantly.


It depends what type of angels you're talking. Dwarf angels you could probably get away with it. Genicanthus angels you could. I think most members of the Holocanthus genus would not tolerate any other large angel. I have a queen in one tank and a passer in another and I'll tell you that they definately would not tolerate another angel.
I don't think the pomacanthus angels are quite as territorial, but they can still be pretty nasty. I would not try it with any angels unless you are prepared to remove one at any time.


Active Member
well I"m saying this is for a 180 gallon.
Here are the angels I like, please tell me which will be fine together and which are no-no's.
blue koran
coral beauty


Active Member
Wow, wish it was that simple. No one can give you a garranteed answer as to what fish can go with what. All fish are different and just like ppl. have there own temperment and additudes. You could put two in a 180g. and they fight or the same two in a 55g. and alls fine. as for as angles none really like other angles. Most of the larger ones you list get large, mean, change color, not hardy, and are not reef safe but that is just common charistics about them and the one you pick may be different.
You just have to do what you are doing and dont get in a hurry. Asks question, read books, keep posting on net, research, ect. And when it comes time to pic, use common scence and how how bad you want what you want and make your own best dissitions. And if it works, good but if it dont. Thats the way its and I dont mean that I dont care but that is the way it is.