more than one breed of clowns ok?


Active Member
i have 2 wild percula clowns now, i have an anemone that won't host them, but will most likely host a clarkii clown. is it okay to have more than 1 breed of clowns in a tank (75 gal.)?


Active Member
I agree with DEA_MT.
Also, it is the clown's choice wether or not to have a host anemone. Your clowns just choose not to, it's not the anemone's decision.


Active Member
i understand what you're saying. my whole thing is i didn't research clownfish/anemone compatibility before I bought them. Percula's are known for be paired with condi's. I now have a bubble tip and we'll see how that works out.


i've heard of clownfish that take like 6 months to finally find a host anemone so just sit tight and it'll happen! i've also heard that clowns prefer BTA for hosting so you may wanna grab one of those.


would say no to the 1 species in one tank. But keep waitin on the anenome, one might take to it. i have 2 clowns and two anenomes, one of then has taken to one (Rose Bulb), and one of them hasnt taken to the other (white pink-tipped) i dunno what will happen. Just be patient.


My yellow striped maroon clown took over two months to host w/the anemone I bought. I did the research and everything. I was very disapointed and then one morning I woke up and there s/he was cuddling w/it. It could take up to six months.


I don't see why you can't put another clown species in your tank, especially being that it's so big. I agree that clarikiis are aggressive though, so I wouldn't go with them particularly.
In the beginning stages of my tank, I had a small oscillaris and a small maroon clown in the tank together, and they weren't aggressive toward each other. In fact, whenever my evil blue damsel would try to nip at the oscillaris, the maroon would defend him and chase the damsel away.
My friend has a 55 with a pair of black sebaes, and he kept a pair of perculas in there with the sebaes for a while. The perculas got ich and died, but until they died they never fought.
Definitely wait it out too though, like everyone's saying, it can take some time for the symbiotic relationship to develop. But as far as more clowns, as long as you choose carefully and try to make sure they're all around the same size, I don't think it'll hurt. JMO. :)


New Member
i have a RBTA.... i was disappointed when i bought it coz my clownfish wouldn't go into it
but that same day when i went to check on my fish they were both in the anemone
they love it


I'm no expert, but I dosagree with the statement that the clarkii wuold be aggressive. From my reading and experience they are not aggressive, I have one in my tank and he is timid. The aggressive clowns are the yellow striped and the maroon. As they say all fish have their own personalities!!!


Active Member
i got some good advice about this situation, and the only 2 aggressive clowns are the maroon and sometimes the cinammon clown. other than that, keeping more than 1 breed of clowns is alright. i just rescued a clarkii from the lfs, he was in a tank with a puffer and got beat up pretty bad. he's in my hospital tank now. doing a lot better than when i got him home.


I have a 55 w/three tank raised false perculas and a tomato clown i later added. The tomato lives on one side of the tank and the three false perc's live on the other side. I have never once seen any sign of aggression between the two different species'.