more than one lionfish in tank



I can't seem to keep 2 lions alive in the same tank can anyone shed some light on this as to what the problem could be. All water checks are good so i know its not the water quality...tank size is 90gal. I have tried to keep two lions in the same tank together a few times but only one always survive...don't know whats happening

nitrates 5 no ro water
nitrite 0
ammomia 0
salinity 1.021-1.022
ph 8.2-8.3
temp 79
2-350 sump cannister filters
1200/900 power heads
150 protein skimmer


One usually dies in about a week...I have tried zebras,volitans, and only 1 survives...the most recent a radiata lion with my volitan...the radiata died within about 5 days...I really don't know what's going on both fish are(were)about 5-6 inches neither had any aggression towards the other.


Active Member
Even at night, there was no aggression issue? As you know, lionfish are a nocturnal fish..
Are these fish eating at the LFS before you take them home?


Non at night...yes they where eating live food from fish store...but I converted them to frozen each time...frozen foods are krill,silversides,squid,raw shrimp all soaked in zoe or garlic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by erionracer
Non at night...yes they where eating live food from fish store...but I converted them to frozen each time...frozen foods are krill,silversides,squid,raw shrimp all soaked in zoe or garlic.
What are your water params? Lionfish are one of THE most sensitive fish to ANY concentration of Ammonia.
<edit:I see your water params. Very strange.edit>


Originally Posted by Emperor11
What are your water params? Lionfish are one of THE most sensitive fish to ANY concentration of Ammonia.
<edit:I see your water params. Very strange.edit>

Yeah very strange


have you looked at hte dead fish and examined it for any wounds or anything? just because you dont see the aggression doesnt mean it isn't happening... Just like if you have a dog and then get a new child or a child comes over... infront of the owner the dog is fine and no aggression is shown... then as soon as the owner leaves the kid gets bit...


New Member
I have not had any issues with multiple lions in a tank. in fact i had 3 very large lions (prob 18-24") in a 250gal tank, never attacked each other but they loved to be the first to get the food!.... sad thing is they all died, apparently i believe my adult emperor angel got sick and transfered to all my lions, lost everything. :(
i still believe it prob was sick from pet shop i bought from!!!


I see you have a Volitan, is this an original fish and the other lions you have added died?
Or Has the Volitan died and been replaced also?
How big is the Volitan?
How long did you have each lion before it died?
Are there any other fish besides lions in this tank?


Originally Posted by Emperor11
WAIT...are all these lions coming from the same LFS? :thinking:

No they have come from different LFS


Originally Posted by shinok4
have you looked at hte dead fish and examined it for any wounds or anything? just because you dont see the aggression doesnt mean it isn't happening... Just like if you have a dog and then get a new child or a child comes over... infront of the owner the dog is fine and no aggression is shown... then as soon as the owner leaves the kid gets bit...

Yes I have looked no nothing...just death


Originally Posted by V-Lioness
I see you have a Volitan, is this an original fish and the other lions you have added died?
Or Has the Volitan died and been replaced also?
How big is the Volitan?
How long did you have each lion before it died?
Are there any other fish besides lions in this tank?

No the Volitan I have now is not the original
they usually last about a few weeks...
the one i have now has lasted the longest so far 3 weeks...
he is about 5-7in.
No other fish in the tank


Active Member
a sting would be hard to see .being only a 4 ft tank maybe its just not large enough to keep them far enough apart.lion stings take very little time to become fully effective on other fish


There could be a few things happening....
I agree, a sting is a possibility and hard to see, and it is a possibility that the tank is just to small for 2 lions.
They are quite sensitive to ammonia spikes also.
the one i have now has lasted the longest so far 3 weeks...
I would wait before adding anything else to this tank, lets see what happens with this lion.
I take it you have not quarantined these lions, it is also possible you have introduced a disease or parasite into your tank......