More than one Triggerfish??


no offense but ever since you came in, you caused confusion for me. This thread is getting really off topic. Sorry.
But Potter, to answer your question, you probably could get one triggerfish and it would have to be either a humu or a niger but you can't have both. And BTW, a clown would spell disaster for your tank. Don't get one. They will terrorize his/her tank mates


I have a 72 Bow and here is my list of fish. They are all Juvi's.
Goldstripe Marroon Clown
Yellow Tang
Hippo Tang
Mandarin Goby
Royal Gramma
Long Tentacle Pink Tip Plate Coral
Never say that someones tank is to small...I have never lost a fish, my parameters are perfect, I do 15 gal ro/di changes EVERY week and so on. I am not ignorant to the fact that they will become very large if given the chance in my tank. That is not my approach. I am able to trade fish in at my LFS. I am happy to have the opportunity to own fish like Juvi Emperors even if it's for a year or so before they move on. Fish are not dogs...they don't care if they move to someone elses tank after a while. In nature there world changes every day as they move about the reef.

Now, go call Sea World and tell them there tank is to small to house a Whale let alone Two or Three.
OK, let me have it!!!! This is my opinion.


Active Member
yes your right its your opinion its a stupid one thoghu just be cose you have a clown trigger in a 75 does NOT mean its right!


Active Member
Also it does not provide enough swimming space it soesnt matter if your water is perfect its still to small for a clown trigger :mad:


So Connor, you are saying that my baby Clown Trigger doesn't have enough swimming space??? What do you base your statement on???
Enlighten,humor me!!!

Tell us of your experience in keeping baby Clown Triggers


I've said many times that my tanks house juvenile fish only. I do not want large fish. I like the challenge of raising the Juvi's as well as the greater number of fish it allows me to put in my tanks. I simply enjoy the variety of several fish over having 2 or 3 large ones.
Now, I could go back and forth with you Connor calling you stupid like you did me but that is not my style. I'm sure that in your mind, you have the best tank going and it is set up perfectly. I wish you nothing but good luck with it!! I have gotten some great advise on these boards from some very smart aquariasts and I have also learned from my own trial and error along the way. Maybe one day my trigger will wake up and want to kill everything in my tank, but then again, he may just wake up and find himself in a new tank too.


Originally Posted by HuntOaks
I have a 72 Bow and here is my list of fish. They are all Juvi's.
Goldstripe Marroon Clown
Yellow Tang
Hippo Tang
Mandarin Goby
Royal Gramma
Long Tentacle Pink Tip Plate Coral
Never say that someones tank is to small...I have never lost a fish, my parameters are perfect, I do 15 gal ro/di changes EVERY week and so on. I am not ignorant to the fact that they will become very large if given the chance in my tank. That is not my approach. I am able to trade fish in at my LFS. I am happy to have the opportunity to own fish like Juvi Emperors even if it's for a year or so before they move on. Fish are not dogs...they don't care if they move to someone elses tank after a while. In nature there world changes every day as they move about the reef.

Now, go call Sea World and tell them there tank is to small to house a Whale let alone Two or Three.
OK, let me have it!!!! This is my opinion.
Dude you can't ahve a trigger in that size tank especially when your bioload is way to big.


Not to mention that having a clown trigger with an angel, clown maroon and a mardarin is probably one of the worst ideas ever.
My friend had a 7 inch clown trigger and it killed everything in his 120 gallon tank. Even his 17 inch Panther Grouper so don't tell me that your juvi clown will be alright when its like putting a great white with a bunch of sea lions in a swimming pool.


Oh trust me you will see soon enough. A clown trigger in that size tank is rediculous. There's a lot of people on this forum that would freak out on you. Your lucky you have gone undetected by them.


Nigertrigg, why do you keep saying that my tank is way to small for a fish that is literally 1 1/2 inches long?? What part of my previous post did you not understand?? My tank will NEVER EVER have big fish!! Period...let that sink in. NEVER!!!!! I dont care what the species is, it can stay in a 72 gal for certain period of time. Trust me, I will not own a 4 inch Clown Trigger. NEVER!!!!!
Now on to my bioload. I want you to explain right here on this forum exactly why I have too much bioload on my system. Is my tank not functioning properly??? Is there something you know about my tank that I don't?? Remember, I have NEVER lost a fish and the ones in the picture have been in the tank for 6 months on average. No ich, no rot, no fighting. All eat well and eat a wide variety of food. My parameters are all about as perfect as I could ever hope for. I do a 15 gal ro/di change EVERY week without fail. And yes, my water is pre heated with air and circulation thru it for two days before it goes into the tank. Look at my plate coral...does it look like it is suffering from poor water quality due to too much bioload? PS My nitrates are "00000000"
Here's my question....have you ever successfully raised a Clown Trigger from 1 inch??
I hear it is difficult to keep the Juvi's.
Now on to the people you said are going to tare into me for keeping a Clown Trigger in a 72. Go ahead, but please defend you flames and things with a valid reason why a 1 1/2 inch fish of any kind can't be kept in a 72 gallon tank. These fish are merely passing through.
I love a good fight!!!! ***)


PS I had a Juvi Undulated in there for 3 months and he did nip at a grouper I had. Both packed their bags and moved to my LFS. I traded the Undulated for the Clown Trigger. In a few months I will trade the Clown Trigger for something else. I get bored easily and I like to try new things all the time.
And no...they weren't in there with the Emp and others. Those two were alone in the tank.


Originally Posted by HuntOaks
I love a good fight!!!! ***)
Good. You are asking for one.
And why would you ever keep trading your fish in for new ones. Do you know what its like to be taken away from the ocean then transported to a temporary breeder then to the petstore then into a bag for the ride home" and then into a tank where it's suppose to stay? No. I don' think you do. And now you want to make another trip for your fish and cause even more stress. Good Lord.
And the reason why I said you have a heavy bioload is because I DIDN'T know you switch your poor fish every 5-6 months or so. And the reason you havn't had any fighting is bc they are all JUVIS. Duh!!!
Right now your clown and emperor is not to small for your 72 but eventually they will be if you plan on keeping them. I assumed that you were going to keep them forever like a normal aquarist does, not get rid of them in the next 5-6 months. Where's the pleasure in getting rid of beautiful fish like that so fast?


Where am I wasting money??? If you are worried about the stress on the poor fish than leave them in the ocean in the first place. I don't care if you have a 10,000 gal tank, you have changed there life for the worse by bringing them to your house. They were in a Trillion gal tank before they got to your house!!!
What about the people who tank raise fish??? They grow a little and they are sold Why am I any different?? They will grow a little and be sold. Are you saying that it is ok to move them once from the ocean to the distributor, again from the distributor to the LFS, again from the LFS to your house, but not ok to make any other moves??
I fail to see your logic.


You don't have logic so that's why you can't see any. YOur just going to stress your fish to death. And btw, having a 10,000 gallon tank would be the equivalent to the ocean because the kind of fish I have pick out there territories and stay with them. In an ocean, they would still do that having the same amount of terrirtory they would have in a 10,000 gallon tank.
Never thought about that one did ya "MR. expert"


Tell me about the poor little corals that get taken from the ocean, sent to the distributor, sent to the LFS, and on to your house only to be Fragged (A nice word for cut in half) and traded right here in the trading forum. Is there some rule book that I missed that says you can trade corals but not fish??? At least I am not Fragging the fish. They leave my tank better than when I got them.
Keep it comming!!


I hope you wouldn't cut your fish in half. And the reason why corals can be fragged is because they can regenerate and split.
Regenerate-To replace (a lost or damaged organ or part) by formation of new tissue.

Even if your fish leave better than they came, they are just going to go through more stress and get in worse condition.
"Keep it coming!!!"


OH, I am no expert. I never will be. I don't believe you are either but then again I could be wrong.
Now, the killer whales at Sea World don't have territories. They have migratory routes that cover thousands of miles. Why is it ok to keep THEM in a small tank??
Checkmate my feeble minded friend!!!
Please remember to answer all my questions directly and not just the ones you think you can.