More than two clownfish?

a novice

New Member
Hi everyone,
I'm new to saltwater setups and I'm starting a 65/70 gallon FOWLR tank. I would like to get some tank raised false percula clownfish but I'm confused on the issue of how many. I would love to have more than just a pair but I'm not sure if it would cause lots of fighting and bloodshed. Because clownfish can change gender I was thinking that there would be one female and the rest males.... is this true and if it is, would there be alot of fighting to become her mate? So basicly, my question is, can you keep more than two clownfish in a tank? Thanks alot!


I know in your lfs you see tanks with alot of them together, but in the long run it will not work, they will tear up the oddball. Good Luck


New Member
I agree, also I believe I heard that you will have 1 female, 1 male, and the rest will be sterile.

a novice

New Member
Thanks for the replys! I've know of people that have more than two but they says that it's something that you just have to take your chances with and it may work or it may not. I'm not ready to buy anything yet but I'm going to think about it. If I bought them all at the same time and put them in all at the same time would there be less aggression? Anyway, thanks for your time.


I have my own question about clown fish. I currently have three damsels in my tank (cycling). When I'm able to buy clowns, i want to get 2 percula clowns, but im not sure if my tank is big enough. I'm going to get rid of my domino soon (he's way too aggresive), and maybe my yellow-tail (i'm not quite sure what i'm going to do about him. He's not mean like my domino, but yet he is supposed to be aggressive, so I have a dilema :(). I will keep my royal damsel, but I guess my question is in a 20 gallon tank, will 1 (or maybe 2) damsels and 2 percula clowns cause a problem? :confused: