More then Flatworms are eXitting!!!


Dont know if this is good or bad. So yesterday I transfered nearly every living organism in my tank to a quarantine tank. Then I drained the water level lower then all the corals. There was one single feather duster that was below the water line.
I added nearly double the amount of flatworm exit. Leaving my skimmer running and my powerheads at a lower level. Then I started the activated carbon about 35 minutes in. Since of course I only had about 10 gallons left in my 55, I had two trash cans full of ready water available. I just began adding that, so technically I guess I did about a 60% water change.
Every flatworm that was within 6 inches of the substrate was taken out. So today I figured that most of them are gone. I did another flatworm treatment with my water level completely full and everything back in my tank. Once again started the carbon after about 35 minutes then did a 25% water change and didnt see one single flatworm floating around. The only side effects that I have seen is that my clam wont open all the way (his syphon is opening and he is "hicupping" though). My nassarius snails are all over the place. My trochus snails are attached to the glass, but dont seem to be interested in eating. My fish are all eating, some of my corals are opened again and my feather dusters are all open. There is a TON, and I mean TON of dead bristle worms all over the place. I didnt think that flatworm exit targeted them too?


I've never heard of that either, and I've known folks who have tripled the dose before. Only thing I can think of is the toxins released by the flatworms.


That's the only thing that I can think of too. I just had a feather duster pass. Just the tip fell right out of the tube and floated away. I syphoned my sand, my rock - EVERYTHING!!!. Atleast 5 times. Then I emptied out about "40" gallons and did the flatworm treatment. Then i had filled up the tank again with new water and let it run with carbon all night. Then today I dosed a small amount and the bristleworms started dying off like crazy. I am done with the carbon and have done 2 30% water changes today and even added some extra calc for the corals.
The clowns are darting around the tank like mad fish. I did what I could. Each any every time that I did a water change today (and ran carbon all day) I syphoned the rocks and top layer of the sand off. I dont know what else to do. I have done what the directions said to a T to get rid of the "toxic juices" - times 10. And I am still having problems. Snails seem fine and are eating, corals are opening (just not all the way. Fish are swimming and eating, starfish is gliding around. Maybe just freak coincidences with the feather and the bristleworms.

gold strip

You basically changed out all of your water and you have transplanted your livestock twice in only a couple days. Your system is in shock. Just let it be for a few days. Keep testing your water levels and just make sure all your numbers and your temp are in line. They will come around in a few days.
Flatworms are a B&^
. I got some frags from someone I trusted and wound up with an infestation in my 180. Followed roughly the same process as you and only lost a Coco worm but it took a few days for all my livestock to recover from the shock of the massive water changes and all the movement.