More troubles


After losing my foxface about a week ago, my Lyretail Anthias is being weird. He is very lethargic, not swimming and is not eating. All water parameters are good. Firefish and gramma seem fine. Feeing cyclopeze and mysis with no interest. He can swim, and I deal looks fine. But is lethargic.


Well-Known Member

Anthtias are a hard critter to keep, I really don't know why, but they just don't seem to last. I had 5, and after a few months, only one was left, and he lasted about 1 year. They are extremely sensitive to any change at all. What killed the Foxface? They are a pretty hardy fish....


Me too Z! Foxface stopped eating...I tried changing algae sheet types, that didn't help. He alway liked cyclops and mysis as well, but he stopped eating those too. He got thinner and thinner. Then we got up one day and he was gone. Now, my anthias is not eating. Again, I am trying to vary his diet. He just lays there. Sometimes on the sand, sometimes sort of behind an intake. If I move the pipe, he swims off. But he just settles somewhere else.

Chad C.

I hope your fish pulls through! I've heard the same thing, that anthias are more challenging and don't take the slightest change well at all.