More venting about LFS


I passed through a local ***** the other day and was checking out the saltwater fish they have. While I was there, a woman walked up and saw the clownfish (Nemo's) and told the clerk she wanted one. While the clerk was getting the bag, ect..... I asked her what other kinds of fish she had, and she said, "Guppies and a Goldfish". I explained to her that "Nemo's" were saltwater fish, after which she told the clerk, "Thanks for the lack of help", and left.
I wonder how many places take the time to remind each customer about a fish being saltwater or freshwater? I mentioned it to the owner of the LFS I go to when I need fish for either of my aquariums, and he asks each time (which he did when I bought a fish from him the first time). He then told me that on occassion people actually get an attitude because they are offended that he doesn't think they know the difference! The guy doesn't mean any offense, he just cares about his customers and his fish!
Anyone else out there ever thought about this being a problem? Until I spoke with that woman, it never occurred to me!


Active Member
I would say it certainly is a problem... particularly in stores like *****, where the fish department is being run by teenagers who know little to nothing about saltwater and who are trying to work as little as possible while on the clock. It's a heck of a lot easier for them to just bag up the fish than it is to try and educate the customer. :( This ends up being unfortunate for both the customer AND any fish/coral they purchase.


Funny I see this today. Just last night I stopped into a lfs, not *****, much much better. After the clerk bagged the saltwater fish for the guy, the customer seemed to get a little more relaxed and started to chat about his tank, without the clerk asking. The customer stated that he kept losing fish, but it should be allright now. It had been going for 3 weeks, so it must be OK. He only had 6 other fish in the 55. He surmized that the reason he kept losing fish was because he had previously cleaned the tank with windex.
At this point, I had to jump in. I asked the other customer how much he had spent on the tank and filter system, which was a nice setup. Then I asked how much he had spent on fish so far. The clerk stated that he would probably not add anymore fish at this time. Thank GOD!
My parting statement to the other customer was: All the money you just spent has so far been wasted. And will continue to be wasted if he did not purchase a BOOK and learn the do's and dont's of fishkeeping. The customer thanked me and said no store clerks at any store he had been going to suggested this. Sad. Very sad.


May I offer a suggestion to everyone. When you see people who are at any type of LFS and are obviously doing things wrong. Have a small blank buisness card handy and write down the following:
Tell them if they ever have any problems and need advice to just hop on the computer for a little on line help. We'll be here. :)



Originally posted by kreach
I would say it certainly is a problem... particularly in stores like *****, where the fish department is being run by teenagers who know little to nothing about saltwater and who are trying to work as little as possible while on the clock. It's a heck of a lot easier for them to just bag up the fish than it is to try and educate the customer. :( This ends up being unfortunate for both the customer AND any fish/coral they purchase.

Hey! I am a teenager and work at a LFS but i garrentee that i know just as much about reef and saltwater fish as u...and i have a 55 gallon reef that is doing quite well and am starting a 12 gallon make sure u know what ur saying!


Active Member
he wasnt insulting you. He was talking about ***** employee's. I was offered a job in the aquatics section, even when i said i had no experience they said i could be trained. needless to say i didnt take the job.


Active Member
I too stepped into a ***** today and I was in disbelief at some of their saltwater tanks. One 10 gallon or so had about 10 or 12 damsels in it with enormous amounts of ick on them. They also have a Sailfin Tang (juvenile 3.5in long but, nonetheless) in a tank no more than 10 gallons. None of their tanks have any live rock and they keep buying fish that even on their little info card says, "best kept in mature reef tank" but they keep them in a tank with no living matter other than algae with no real hiding places to speak of. To add to it they had about 6 percula clowns, each which seem to have something wrong with their swim bladders. They have to be swimming at a 60 degree angle to maintaining swimming level. Its kinda sad cause before I found this place I bought my damsels from there...almost 3 weeks ago. I feel pretty bad knowing I helped there business. On the upside it did forse me to find some other lfs's. I did find some pretty awesome lfs's that treat their fish great and they all look healthy.


yeh im very glad that I found I just dont think that many people know about it though (or not enough anyways). I had to find this site on my own when my new tank was going to hell and I needed info. If I wouldnt have found this site I would have had anemones and corals under about 30 watt house lighting (in a 75), i would have 3 tangs battling for their own territory (after one had already been established) and I would also have a piccaso trigger going around and eating all my invertes. This all would have been because according to my lfs "sure they'll get along" or "you dont need special lighting". I have already lost too much money because the lfs said this or that. I know this is not always the case though since I have found a very good one finally :) but I now recommend to anybody i can because ive never gotten false info yet! thanks for all the help and for the future help. -beginning hobbyist



Originally posted by reefer44
Hey! I am a teenager and work at a LFS but i garrentee that i know just as much about reef and saltwater fish as u...and i have a 55 gallon reef that is doing quite well and am starting a 12 gallon make sure u know what ur saying!

Reefer, chill a bit! And take your own advise. You know just about as much about reef and saltwater fish as he, and yet you know nothing about the guy, so maybe YOU ought to be sure you know what you're sayin'!
Nevertheless, this board isn't a competition, and I do find it odd that you found the need to defend yourself against something that was never intended to be directed towards you. Peace out!


Active Member

Originally posted by reefer44
Hey! I am a teenager and work at a LFS but i garrentee that i know just as much about reef and saltwater fish as u...and i have a 55 gallon reef that is doing quite well and am starting a 12 gallon make sure u know what ur saying!

Please, calm down. My comment was not directed specifically at you and I meant no offense. But I worked in my local ***** for awhile several years ago, so I saw the kind of attitude I was referring to first hand with some of my co-workers… I know it happens.
However, I am also well aware that there are teenagers working in many LF stores who are perfectly capable and knowledgeable… I’ve gotten advice from a couple. But it has been my experience that such is the exception and not the rule.
Originally posted by aarone
he wasnt insulting you. He was talking about ***** employee's.

Originally posted by jp0379

You know just about as much about reef and saltwater fish as he, and yet you know nothing about the guy

And for the record, I’m a girl… not a guy. :D


lol....sorry i was having a bad day and was bored and wanted to see ihow ppl would respond if i said that....but i agree with u that there are several teenagers that have know idea what there doing