What is starting to really annoy me is when people state "my levels are good". Define good! What are your EXACT levels?????
ditto, good, fine. well, what's good or fine?
I think when someone says my levels are perfect, they just don't want to type all the stats over and over.
But perfect isn't fine. there could be a difference, and different test kits and lfs say different levels are okay, which is why I always ask for numbers. some lfs go by the test kit, lfs tells me my ph is high at 8.2, they think it should be 7.8...or ***** tell me nitrates are fine at 20 or 40, because they show as being within range. If someone says, my levels are perfect, I tested today and had lfs test the water. that's different than saying my water's fine. and not giving us any more info.
My tank just finished it's cycle. Is it ok to add the salt now?
That's new to me, I hadn't heard that one before. Though I did run into a guy who thought you'd empty the whole tank to do a water change (like you do with betta fish...), glad I talked to him...that could have been a mess....(that wasn't annoying though)
Any question that is misspelled (because of stupidity and not done for effect)
I can't spell. It's a fact. Yep, I have my undergrad degree in English, and Masters in Technical Writing (English, lit), but I cannot spell. On sites where it matters and people throw a fit, I'll use spell check, but that only helps part of the time.