Most annoying question?


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
What is starting to really annoy me is when people state "my levels are good". Define good! What are your EXACT levels?????
Yeah, you're right Alyssia. That really annoys me. When you ask a person what thier levels are and they say they are all good, that usually means that they don't usually know what they are.
I don't really get that. If the person asks for help and you ask them what ther levels are, say what your levels are. That is the only way you can help another person.
Thomas, you could not be any more right. Why do so many people post "help" questions after they by something? Most LFS' allow you to put things on hold for a few days. Why not just ask your LFS to hold that particular thing you like, then go home and research it. That way, you do not wind up with a sweetlips, parrotfish, panther grouper, gonipora, moorish idol, green mandarin, or something similiar that most people cannot give the right home to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
One of the reasons I don't ask more detailed and technical questions is because I have spelling /memory problems due to a broken neck and massive head trauma from an accident 2 years ago, neurologist told me nothing I can do about it. It's such an obvious putdown and it really irritates me when some of the experienced and not-so experienced cames across as "Better Than" because of the way someone asks a question. I really wish I was one of those gifted people who Popped out of the womb with infinite knowledge. The quest for bettering yourself is not determined by how you ask the questions, but what you do with the answers.
Maybe you took what I said wrong. (sorry for your disabilty too)
I mean the people that ask a question about a cetain type of fish or animal and really misspell it. It shows me that they did not research the item in question at all or that they do not care.
There is always a learning experience with this hobby that continues to grow. I enjoy passing on information that I know. I do not know everything; far from it. I do have the common sense to know when I am wrong and gladly accept the new/correct information.
These boards are very informative and are a great tool to learn and or pass on help to a fellow aquarist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
. When you ask a person what thier levels are and they say they are all good, that usually means that they don't usually know what they are.



I think every question is a great question. As long as someone wants to know, I'll try and answer. As far as spelling goes, its very imature to be mad at the way someone spells. I know spelling is'nt one of my strong points. I think when someone says my levels are perfect, they just don't want to type all the stats over and over. It does get kinda boring. But you should do it. I'm guilty of saying my levels are fine.

I think this post is a very bad post, because it can discourage people from asking the right questions, which are all of them.
Quote of the day, "The only dumb question is the one that is'nt asked."

sinner's girl

What is starting to really annoy me is when people state "my levels are good". Define good! What are your EXACT levels?????
ditto, good, fine. well, what's good or fine?
I think when someone says my levels are perfect, they just don't want to type all the stats over and over.
But perfect isn't fine. there could be a difference, and different test kits and lfs say different levels are okay, which is why I always ask for numbers. some lfs go by the test kit, lfs tells me my ph is high at 8.2, they think it should be 7.8...or ***** tell me nitrates are fine at 20 or 40, because they show as being within range. If someone says, my levels are perfect, I tested today and had lfs test the water. that's different than saying my water's fine. and not giving us any more info.
My tank just finished it's cycle. Is it ok to add the salt now?
That's new to me, I hadn't heard that one before. Though I did run into a guy who thought you'd empty the whole tank to do a water change (like you do with betta fish...), glad I talked to him...that could have been a mess....(that wasn't annoying though)
Any question that is misspelled (because of stupidity and not done for effect)
I can't spell. It's a fact. Yep, I have my undergrad degree in English, and Masters in Technical Writing (English, lit), but I cannot spell. On sites where it matters and people throw a fit, I'll use spell check, but that only helps part of the time.


Let me rephrase what I said about the question of being asked about your levels. You should answer it when it is asked, because people on this board are just trying to help. However, never mind, I'll admit it, I'm wrong, when you get asked you should just answer that question.

I've been in this hobby for 3+ years and I know what levels are perfect, but I should "will" tell my levels when asked. I was just being stuburn the other day on the blue linkia star post. I'm sure you remember that post -Sinner-LOL
You know what, I'll post my levels now. lol
PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Trite 0
Trate 0
Salt 1.026
Calcium 450
I guess that was'nt so bad. Thanks Sinner, you taught me a good thing.

Its not hard at all to answer that question.

sinner's girl

I've been in this hobby for 3+ years and I know what levels are perfect,
BUT, How do I know that unless you tell me? If it's a name I know, I wouldn't ask, if I know the person has been in the hobby for a long time, but I don't know your name, for all I know you're new and clueless (which happens).
I keep a notepad file with all my info, then I can copy and past...we used to have sigs, which meant we didn't have post and ask the same info over and over. my sig said 75gl, date it was set up, my levels, #lr and fish, ect...made things easiers.


I know Sinner, thats what I was trying to say. I was agreeing with you. Can we just be cool with eachother.

sinner's girl

yep, cool, just pointing that out so others's impossible to keep up with everyone and thier tanks...