Most Beneficial Fish


I have a 29 reef and would like to have fish that are beneficial to the the tank because it is so small. Just interested to see what would be good choices for fish.


sixline wrasses are extremely helpful... lawnmower blennies keep down algea... watchman goby cleans the sand... cleaner gobys clean your fish... thats all i can think of.. ive got one or more of each and they make for a ligter maintenence duty on my part.


if your going with a shallow sand bed yellow headed sleeper gobies will keep it nice and vacuumed for you. maby for variety add a fighting conch or spaghetti worms


IMO, a sixline is not a good fish for a tank that is not well established, as they eat cocepods. they dont really eat algae, so they are not really considered a maintenance fish. lawnmower blennise are great, however.. awesome algae eaters, but a your tank is a little small, should really be a 40 gallon or more for a lawnmower.


I had a lawnmower blenny, but it didn't eat anything else but hair algae and slowly starved to death. I like my bicolor blenny. It too will help with algae and not picky with foods. They swim more and have great personality.


if you do consider a lawnmower maby you can ask to see if they do eat or not ours eats flake, dried nori, and alge wafers. some lfs will feed the fish in front of you if you ask


Active Member
i would ditch the LB unless you get a small one and get a bicolor instead. they, IMO eat a more varied diet of algae and i htink are just cooler! man now my LB is gonna jump outta the tank and kick my...owww lay off aiyeeee!
good luck