Most entertaining fish suggestions?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
Is that a trumpet coral he's perching on. My LFS has a branch that looks like that and I was considering getting it. They don't look as open as the one in your pic and I was wondering if they should.
Candy cane~an easy LPS. Trumpets are green...same thing basicly.


What kind of camera do you use promisetbg? And if you don't mine me asking, how much did it cost? :thinking:


New Member
I have a mated pair of gold bands that host a BTA. Very entertaining to watch them take care of and guard.


to be honest all those suggestions are good but the most entertaing fish is a DOGFACE puffer when he sees u he'll come right to the glass and he shows his teeth almost like he is smiling. there soo cute.


Promisetbg are you by chance Waterfaller? I could have sworn that the picture with the lawnmower and neon gobie was his/hers and im just curious.


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Candy cane~an easy LPS. Trumpets are green...same thing basicly.

I interchange candy cane and trumpet corals all the time
I only see one head in you picture. Is there more and can you show me a picture? I know this is a different topic so you can post it in the photography area if you want. Beautiful pics by the way. I can't seem to get my Rebel XT to take great photos knowing it has the capabilities. I'm looking into macro lenses now. Thanks.


Active Member
jawfish by far. they will hide if they see you at first, but once they think ur gone, they are hilarious to watch. in one night, mine dug like 4-5 different holes. hes so cute. o yea, lmb too. mine has a ton of personality


Wow, thank guys, those fish were great! More!!! I love hearing about all the weird thing fish do.. I am now especially interested in a LM Blenny & Jawfish- I also really like the red hawkfish - but think he may be too bold for a peaceful tank - what do you think? I will probably end up getting pair of mated clowns, lm blenny, goby of some sort & maybe the hawkfish or jawfish... not sure yet if they would all get along. Thanks for the pics!! :joy:


New Member
I agree with Algae Blenny (aka Lawnmover Blenny) They're so silly and very animated. YOu won't go wrong with a pair of clowns either. They're quite funny to watch. Another one of my favorites is my Royal Gramma. A beautiful fish that only hides a little bit. Mostly out in the open. It's peaceful and easy to keep. I had a clown goby that I loved, but it hid a lot and was very very difficult to feed. It only lasted a month in my tank befre I believe it starved to death. :(
Jawfish are cool because they will burrow in your subsrate and poke their silly little heads out. Sand sifters can make a mess of a clean tank though. Good luck with your decisions.
IMO the real entertainment is with the inverts. A few crabs and different shrimp variety make for an excellent show. :p


Active Member
That is Dr. Suess, my lawnmower blenny. He is the friendliest fish! He even lets me pet him and scratch his little head.


So I am going to assume that this is the most entertaining non-aggressive fish.
I would have to say that a pair of clowns or a yellow tang.