Ok, nothing fancy but I want to show some of my corals, so my most expensive would be my hammer coral, next would be my green sinularia, after that all most corals are relatively the same price.
I didn't buy it, but I saw a clam (with a black and white pattern they were calling a Zebra pattern?) on the internet for $500. It sold within minutes of being on the internet.
Originally Posted by ci11337
Just got him today, payed $50 for him. (That's not bad at all for a brain in NY)
If your still looking for more brains (no pun intended) go to the reef shoppe in rochester, right now they have red and green brains, all about 5" for $45
my most expensive coral is a favia (i think thats waht it is) i just got at the reef shoppe yesterday, $70
i think that his prices are a little high, but he's got a lot of rare stuff that i havent seen very much of. plus the music there is good too. i think my favorite lfs display tank is the 180 in the center room. anyways my most expensive piece of live stock in my tank is my crocea clam ($82). i found a pretty sick colored acan there too, not too many acans at caribbean forest though.
Heh I knew somebody would ask that. Duncanopsammia axifuga
It's in the family Dendrophylliidae spp., as are tubastreas and dendrophyllias. Open 24/7, but less expanded at night for me. My biggest polyps are almost 4" tip to tip. They're common to northern Australia, but since there's no imported corals from there it's extremely rare in the US. I've seen them go for anywhere from $80-150 per polyp, when available.