most expensive coral in your tank


Sweet blastos man i love them, i dont have to many real expensive ones in my tank i have a 55 and most of my corals are frags i would rather spend less money and watch them grow in my tank and then frag them. I have a ton of frags and its fun to watch them grow, but i do have a nice acopora i spent around 50 to get its a nice size so i would say that.


Well I paid $125 each for a star polyp rock which also has some type of shrooms on it. And then there's this huge branching frogspwan that I love.



Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Heh I knew somebody would ask that.
Duncanopsammia axifuga
It's in the family Dendrophylliidae spp.
, as are tubastreas and dendrophyllias. Open 24/7, but less expanded at night for me. My biggest polyps are almost 4" tip to tip. They're common to northern Australia, but since there's no imported corals from there it's extremely rare in the US. I've seen them go for anywhere from $80-150 per polyp, when available.
i saw you post some for sale on the "other forum" and probably would have bought one, or at least a dendro, but i didnt have enough for the entire pack