Most Expensive Fish


New Member
All of this saltwater talk has lightened my wallet and will continue to for years to come. This got me thinking. Who has the most expensive fish? Come on, don't be shy, just post the reply! :rolleyes:


Well, *my* most expensive fish is my Red Sea Purple Tang (Francis). She cost me $100.00 (ish)


I've got a $300 Black longnose Tang....Found a spotted Tang it will probably be around $700 or so I'm guessing. Don't think I can get that one. Friend has a French angel in a 360 that's probably almost 5lbs in weight, if he were to sell her,(not that he ever would)I'd say she would bring $2500 at least.


i have a clown trigger (very large and healthy as can be thats worth now about $300. i got him for $200.
i had a emperoro angel that i sold for $400. hugh.
my friend has some really rare trigger that he is selling for $450.
The best deal was a blue face for $500 that i can sell now for at least $150. but over all my clown trigger is now my favorite and he is in my 280g
I just bought a hawaian dragon eel, I got a deal, 550 bucks, some guy bought it for 850, but it was to big for his tank.. Guess I lucked out.....


so far my most expensive would be my spotted seahorse... paid $43.00 for him, but that is small potatoes compared to the rest who have posted!


saw a lancelot grouper going for $1500 great fish, just a touch vicious. wish i could have him
i would have to agreee that risc most likely has us all beat.


i'll go take one. he is gorgous. bright yellow with black. they get to be over 700 lbs. i'll go over to the LFS and take a pick. he had to baby ones approx 3 inches and they went for 500 dollas each!


WOWWWWWW that is awesome, they most be aggresive!!!! I live in miami and if you need and want to remove some of the Xenia please allow me to pay for the shipping. Here is my email adress


Active Member
I saw a Queen angel? at least that is what I think it was for 15,000$ and it was sold. It was going in a 3000 gallon tank in Wilmington. It was a very beautifull fish. It was about 14" long and about 2.5" thick. It had streamers off the tail of it. Kinda blueish grey color. I asked the guy if it pooped gold. He said it was rare and also hand raised since birth. Don't know the whole truth about the fish but it was awsome! Came from a place in Cali. or so i was told. The crate that the fish came in was the size of a coffin! and they told me it was 180 gallon.


15000 for a fish is ridicolous!!!! There is no way I would spend over 100 dollars for a fish or coral. that is crazy.


Just found out about a couple of spotted tangs (Zebrasoma gemmatum)that are supposed to be coming in the country. They are going to be a minimum of $1500. Don't think we'll be able to swing that one. :(


As far as I have heard there are only going to be a few, I think last year there were 5 or six brought in if I am not mistaken. I'm not real sure on the exact number


Active Member
Anthem, I agree,
I do not know for sure if it was a queen. I did not catch the name but the body was the same. Very strange color pattern on it, and it was the healthiest looking fish I have ever seen. I have never seen colors like these on a fish. I am going to look around on the net to see if I can find one..