Most $$$$ Fishes

mr. limpid

Active Member
Thanks to all for responding I even found out the name of the $3,000 dollar angle I couldn't remember a Clarion. It is a beautifully fish but I wouldn't pay that much for one. The most expensive fish in my tank is the Chevron Tang (my avatar) payed $200.


Active Member
If you want to convert it manually/mathematically; you have to take the amount you want to convert (in this case E500) and multiply it by the current conversion rate.

rainbow grouper

Active Member
Actually the most i have ever spent on a fish is £10 most of our fish came with the tanks it's much cheaper that way :D. 791 or something may seem a lot but here it isn't to expensive, besides there has to be at-least one fish that all of us would spend through the roof for.

rainbow grouper

Active Member
Was that question to me because if so i live near london in haverhill type into google images haverhill england thats where i live my accent is has a little hint of the posh on it especially when saying things technical (which about all i speak about) but i don't really get i ''cool british accent'' Hmmm.

mr. limpid

Active Member
I like this (really) this thread has taken a very interesting turn.
would of never thought asking about pricey fish would turn into English accent.

rainbow grouper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///t/388604/most-fishes/20#post_3429942
I like this (really) this thread has taken a very interesting turn.
would of never thought asking about pricey fish would turn into English accent.
That's why i love this forum threads can completely change topic and none actually cares we just laugh and have fun i mean i use some other forums occasionally but nothing of them compare to the friends i have made here and the attitude of all the users.

mr. limpid

Active Member
I'm also getting a kick out of this because this is the first thread I started that more than 2 or 3 people responded to.