Most interesting Fish/invert you've seen in a store.


What's the most interesting fish/invert you've seen at a lfs? For me it would have to be an anenome that i saw with a deep blue base, dont know what kind it was. Also an upside down jellyfish. I had to have it so i bought it and it did really well until that little mishap.


There was a place in Fayetteville NC called aqua rama that used to get in 3-5' or so green morays...they were always cool to look at. It's been a while not sure if they are still around. Sharks are always a crowd pleaser...sometimes for me it is a typical fish, but with odd coloring. I recently saw a sargassum angler, and was surprised to see it "swimming" if you can call it that. I had never seen one of these in person before.


this one time, i saw this fish that was orange, with 3 thick white stripes and black outline around the stripes. It was amazing


Active Member
Was at a store the other day and say an approx. 8" Medusa worm. No doubt the butt ugliest thing I have seen so far. LFS guy said they are the best detritus eaters out there and sells them to his maintenance business clients with large systems.
I tell you that I would be afraid the thing would crawl out of the tank and eat me in the night. Nasty.....


Active Member
today at my lfs they had three sea hares that were black with bright blue dots and 6 to 7 inch long. I would have brought one home but 30 bucks was kinda high for a slug
A walking batfish....looks like a scooter dragonette but with 2 big "walking wings"....was listed as peaceful but wasn't sure about it going into a seahorse tank


a purple rhinospias is the ,most amasing fish i have ever seen at an lfs. As for invert I would have to say and australian acan colony that was 2' by 3'... They wanted 6500 for it. To much for me but i could have made a lot more than that by just fragging it.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by Cleve_seahorse
A walking batfish....looks like a scooter dragonette but with 2 big "walking wings"....was listed as peaceful but wasn't sure about it going into a seahorse tank
haha that was gonna be my answer, when I saw it at my LFS they said it was a cold water fish too.


New Member
I saw an excellent octopus at one of my LFS, they specialize in Salt water fish and inverts. I always read up on em and always wanted to get one. It just amazed the heck outta me the way they can change colors so quickly. They just got him, and the owner, who I am good friends with, had me in mind when he got like 4 of em.
Fed one of them and I was AMAZED!!! So, yanno, I just HAD to get one. The hefty 45.00 price tag wasn't bad either. Still have him to this day, and it's been 6 years so far. It's very unfortunate that I have to keep him by himself.