mothers day horror story

wake up and my son and daugther are playing in the room than son ends up with busted mouth blood eveywhere ,than come down stairs to find my f*(&ing leopard shark dead behide the tank what a f&*^ing day god this is a real messed up mothers day my son is better ,but god my poor little shark dam i,am so hurt right now i feel like putting my hands thru the fishtank thats how pissed i,am :mad: :mad: :mad:


Active Member
Don't let it discourage you. I had something similar happen a while back with my ghost ribbon eel that I had for over a year. I know the feeling though.


Sorry to hear about your loss. I know how bad it sucks when a shark (or anything we care about for that matter) dies.
Jim27: I believe the shark jumped out. :(


Oh yeah I just reread it, I thought he said he found it dead behind the rocks not behind the tank.
Sorry man. I felt the same way if not worse when the little guy in my avatar died.


man, that sucks! I've got a Mothers Day horror story also, kinda long: Mothers Day, 3 years ago. My wife and i saved up forever to take the kids to DisneyWorld. It had always been a dream of my parents-in-law to take their grandkids to Disney so my wife and i thought "what the hell, why not" and invited them to Disney with us. So the morning of Mothers Day we took off from Des Moines,Iowa headed towards Nashville TN.which was the halfway point between Iowa and Florida. so we get to Nashville check in to the hotel, get somethin to eat and get the kids off to bed. Wife, Mother-in-law and I decided to go down to the pool,father-in-law said he'd stay in the room with the kids who were now fast asleep. so we go do our pool thing, come back up to the room and there's my father-in-law,in the 45min. we were gone to the pool, he had died of a massive heart attack on our vacation!........Happy Mothers Day huh?
dam thats rough !well the little man is good he is same as always running around acting bad ,lol but my wife was upset too about the shark she knows how much i like the poor shark ,but i think i,am done with sharks for now but you never know but i still plan to build something nice to keep one in the future to all the mothers out there happy mothers day :D