Mouse in tank

Guess what, I just pulled a dead mouse out of my tank! I was doing my water change and I noticed a smell like if you leave a load of laundry in the washer too long and it smells kinda sour and i found a mouse wedged in between the tank and my skimmer pump. He seemed to be fairly fresh. I only had 15 gallons of water made up for my change. I'm going to test my water in about an hour. Thought I should wait just a bit till all the new water gets mixed in. This is just too weird. Anybody else had this happen?


Well-Known Member
Have you done an ammonia test? That would be the only real saltwater nothng is "fresh" it decomposes quick, hense the sour smell. Keep us interesting.
well, it tested 0 on ammonia. I musta got lucky and it wasnt in there too long. Gonna test again later on just to be sure.
I just tested again and got 0, but my coral banded shrimp is falling to pieces. both of his claws have come off and he's looking pretty bad. the fish are all behaving normally and the coral looks ok except a few of my zoos are closed up. what else should i check besides the ammonia?
It's possible the coral banded shrimp is molting (like shedding his skin) to grow bigger. I know mine did it every few weeks when I had him.