Mouth Full!


Active Member
That is cool, but you have some awesome zoas, and rics in that picture too, you have a thread somewhere where we can see your tanks?


Active Member
UPDATE. Angler is doing well. Instead of one long fish-shaped lump it now has a giant round lump in its belly. The angler's digetive fluids are doing the job. No signs of stress on the angler.



Active Member
That is excellent!! I am glad you did not lose both fish. That would have been horrible. I guess all the fish have to be twice the size of the angler??

small triggers

Active Member
which reminds me, i think in the 'coral' mag this month they have a section on anglers just about the same stuff too, eating huge angels and such YIKES


Active Member
was it already dead when you found it in it's mouth then?
Thats really wierd a frogfish would try and eat something that big. Will the frogfish be safe against the foxfaces spines? i thought i read there poisonous


Active Member
Originally Posted by zeke92
was it already dead when you found it in it's mouth then?
Thats really wierd a frogfish would try and eat something that big. Will the frogfish be safe against the foxfaces spines? i thought i read there poisonous

It was alive. I tryed to get it out but it was too far in and the angler was not going to give it up. I struggled a little to work it out and the angler opened a bit wider and the foxface dissapeared. You could see it wiggling in the anglers belly for a minute or two.
As far as the spines, I suppose the angler is able to deal with them. It did swallow it head first so the spines really were non-effective since they were compressed down by the anglers muscles as it was swallowing.


Active Member
I do not know anything about those fish but it has me wanting one. I think I might check into them once down your way.


Active Member
Wow thats pretty sad it was moving in it's belly while being digested

If it can eat that how big a fish would it NOT be able to eat hehe


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Originally Posted by Leopard_babe
Wow, watch out your finger might be next. lol
I can't believe that.
Open wide...

The same purple one did lock onto my finger one time, but it doesn't seem to have teeth or much closing strength. Felt kinda freakish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zeke92
Wow thats pretty sad it was moving in it's belly while being digested

If it can eat that how big a fish would it NOT be able to eat hehe
Now I am not so sure. I thought a fish its size at least was safe, but I thought wrong. I think they will have the tank to themselves now. I don't think I would be comfortable putting anything in there that wasn't large enough to eat them and I don't want that happening.


Active Member
Shark vs Frogfish. Who wins? Find out next time on "Mouth Full" TV! Hehe
I'm surprised they have tried to eat each other if they can fit one of those in there stomache!