Mouth fungus?


New Member
I have a niger trigger that has a white spot on his chin and his mouth seems to have turned white ( it looks like his lips have receaded from his teeth.) He has stopped eating although he is still interested in food.
He has had this problem for about two months. I first treated him in a QT with Marycin 1 for 2 weeks then Marycin 2 for 2 weeks. His problem got better but it never went away. I even tried Biospheres for a week. Nothing seems to help/ It has now gotten worse since I re-introduced him to my tank.
I put him back in the QT but I don't know what to treat him with....
Any advise would be appreciated...... HELP BETH!!!!!!!!!!!


Staff member
That is a rather odd conditions. Perhaps it is a tumor or something that can't be really treated.
Let's see if we can get some input from Terry.