mouth won't close


I have 2 ocellaris clowns that I got 2 days ago and they are in a 55gl qt tank with a coral beauty. I noticed this morning that my larger clown can not close her mouth. Will this fix it's self with time or is she going to die because she can't eat? She was eating the 1st day I got her but can't eat now.


Well if she can't eat she will die. Do you have a hospital tank? Maybe she is stressed, maybe your params are bad, maybe she got hurt, who knows. But, if she has a nice hospital tank to rest in then she might heal faster. Plus, if it is a spreadable issue, you want her out asap.
Post your params, there are some very knowledgeable people on here but they need to know the basics first!


Ph 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
I saw her close her mouth for just a sec and then back to having it open. It looks like there something on the right side of her jaw it looks like a white bump but it does not look like ick to me. I've delt with ick before. I'm wondering if I should do a formalin dip.


Active Member
its some kind of parasite, i've had a tomato clown die from that once. yeah i would do formalin baths or if u have a hospital tank with copper, that would work well too.
good luck


Thanks. I just did a formalin dip with the 2 clowns and the CBA. I'll see how it goes. I was going to do hypo while the fish are in QT over the next month but now I'm thinking of holding off untill I've done a series of formalin dips over the next week or so. What do you think?


Thought I'd give an update and get your opinion on the smaller clown. I did 3 formalin dips. After the 2nd she was fine and eating again. She's been great since. Both the larger clown and the CBA eat with no problem. I'm not sure the smaller clown is eating. But I read that they can go a while w/o eating. They are all acting normally . The clowns seem to be hosting the outside of the fake cave I have in the tank. I have started lowering the salinity ove the past 2 days. It's now at 1.020 My params are still:
Ph 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
Any thoughts?
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