Move coral...or NOT move coral....??


I have to do some re-arranging in my reef tank (150 gallons) but am a little 'gun shy' doing it. Can the corals stay out of the water for several minutes while I move a few 'guys' around?
My tank looks great, but there are a few pieces I need to move but m reluctant taking them out of the tank for a short period of time.
How long would they be 'ok' out of the tank? Just curious....

el bob

just a couple of mins, try not to exceed 2. Just fill a bucket with water and put them in it!


Originally Posted by weatherman
I have to do some re-arranging in my reef tank (150 gallons) but am a little 'gun shy' doing it. Can the corals stay out of the water for several minutes while I move a few 'guys' around?
My tank looks great, but there are a few pieces I need to move but m reluctant taking them out of the tank for a short period of time.
How long would they be 'ok' out of the tank? Just curious....

just take a little water out of your tank and put it in a small bucket or a small plastic container.
Personally, I wouldn't leave them out of water for more than a few seconds. Some corals will die almost immediately if you take them out of water - if oxygen gets in some corals it can obstruct passageways.
Use a bucket. Use a bowl. Anything.


If Im reading your right, you're talking about a bucket of water FROM THE TANK ITSELF.....and not just water from a tap perhaps. I know this may sound a little stupid.....sorry.
Thanks for the info. I did NOT realize that many of them would only live for ONLY a short period of time. Interesting.....


Originally Posted by weatherman
If Im reading your right, you're talking about a bucket of water FROM THE TANK ITSELF.....and not just water from a tap perhaps. I know this may sound a little stupid.....sorry.
Thanks for the info. I did NOT realize that many of them would only live for ONLY a short period of time. Interesting.....

yes, from the tank itself. Once less thing to shock them


Originally Posted by weatherman
If Im reading your right, you're talking about a bucket of water FROM THE TANK ITSELF.....and not just water from a tap perhaps. I know this may sound a little stupid.....sorry.
Thanks for the info. I did NOT realize that many of them would only live for ONLY a short period of time. Interesting.....

what kind of corals are we talking about?


Active Member
Originally Posted by weatherman
If Im reading your right, you're talking about a bucket of water FROM THE TANK ITSELF.....and not just water from a tap perhaps. I know this may sound a little stupid.....sorry.
Thanks for the info. I did NOT realize that many of them would only live for ONLY a short period of time. Interesting.....
Actually most corals are fine with being taken out of the water as the ystay moist, gorgonians are the only one's that you must keep in water.


Active Member
when Ifrag corals I hve them out for 15 minutes or more with only a piece of wet paper towel over them... ceartain corals like gorgonian or sponges can die from air exposure, I'm sure there are others but most corals can tolerate air for far more than a few seconds.
I would reccomend sticking them in a bucket with a heater and a powerhead with tank water or use a rubbermaid tote. that way you can take hours re-arranging if you want to.