movie help


I just watched Butterfly Effect with Ashton Kuchar for the second time. I do not remeber the ending being the way it was. I think i am confusing another Kuchar movie. What movie ends with Kuchar walking down a side walk in a large city dressed in a suit and passes by a girl that he looks at and then ignores? I thought this was the butterfly effect, but it was not.
sorry for the off the wall post, but this is bugging me.

michelle l

Yes, that was Butterfly Effect. Did you rent the DVD? If so, the DVD featured two different endings. It's possible that you did see a different ending than you did the first time. The other ending was that he went back in time, until he was still a fetus in his mothers womb. They show his Mom in labor, and he wraps his umbilical cord around his own neck so that he would be born stillborn, so that he will never meet the girl in the future, thereby stopping the whole chain of events before they start.
It was a great movie, BTW.


He goes,back in time to when the first meets the girl(there both little) but his really mean
to her and tells her all this bad stuff,and that makes her not like him,there for they never become friends,or anything like that.If i remember right when her parents split ,the only reason she stayed was because of kutcher,and i guess by being mean to her she left w/ her mom. Than his walking down a street and they pass by eachother and he knows who she is but she is like WTF???????? do i know you...
but they both just keep walking..

michelle l

:yes: :yes: :yes: That was the better ending of the two. I never saw it at the movies...was that the ending they used in theaters?


Yes,that was the ending to the movie in theaters.its not such a weird movie if you watch all of it...kinda makes you things would of turned out had you dont somthing the past..