Movie Mess Ups...LETS HEAR THEM!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i thought it was a bagle... croissant to bagle...

Could very possibly be, its been a while since I've seen the movie without interruption from one of the three kids. In fact, its been a while since I've seen a movie in its entirety.


in the beginning of Pride & Prejudice, the second eldest sister (lizzie) refers to Kitty as Lydia, and to Lydia as Kitty... later in that movie, while Mr. Bingly and his sister are leaving town in the carriage, there are two men standing on the back of the carriage, and the scene is shot from inside the carriage (facing backwards). Well, through the back window of the carriage, you can see a pair of sunglasses hanging from the pocket of one of the men on the back of the carriage.
As for King Kong, this is what i thought about it. The graphics were good, the acting was good, the directing was amazing, but it was just an average movie. I wouldn't ever see it again. The special effects weren't done properly. The coloration didn't match between the real people, and the fake dinosaurs... kong's graphics were good. But all of the other CGI was poorly mixed with the people... It looked really fake... jurassic park's dinosaurs were much better!!!


Active Member
Oh, I thought of another. In Saving Private Ryan, after that guy is killed, they show them walking through the field and he's there again.


Active Member
The old Elvis movies ..... his hair never got messed up. So there he is, surfing a huge wave, proceeds to wipe out, and by the time he gets back to the blanket .... yeah you guessed it! Not a hair outta place. ***)


In Spy Kids 2 (yeah, I have little ones), the two kids, Carmen and Juni, are wandering around a network of secret pirate caves. A scene is out of sequence. Carmen is holding a glow-stick to light the way... in the next scene, they go down a dark tunnel where she pulls out a dark glow-stick, cracks and shakes it, then uses it.


Active Member
Ill name a few...
Jurrasic Park- When th T-Rex just comes out o fthe pen, the door to teh kids car is open from the lawer running out, it pnas to the outside of the car, its closed, then inside its open again!
My Cousin Vinnie-The prosicuters and defendant benches are backwards the entire movie
Apollo 13-When the rocket takes off, all of those arms are suppost to go up at once... otherwise the rocket will go sideways!!!
Thats a few....


in jurassic park, when you see the trex eat the lamb, the land is level with the road the cars are on, but the next minute, when he's dangling from the rope, it's not... it's a giant ditch... They actually pointed this out to steven speilburg during the filming of the movie, but he said he wanted it done that way anyway. when he wants something...


An old Arnold Swartzenegar (wow, never really tried to spell that b4) called Commando has so many errors in it that I don't know where to begin. One of my favorites is when he causes a Porsche 911 to crash onto its side. After he disposes the driver he pushes the car back over onto its wheels and presto! new Porsche.
Another Arnold movie, Twins. When he and Danny Devito are in the bathroom at the bar. On top of the towel dispenser is a beer bottle, then it is gone.


Active Member
1)In war of worlds all the power is out (even batteries) and some guys video cam is still taping the alien tripod. Theres only one reason for that....the aliens wanted to be video taped by that camcord and that same guy

2) all those disney movies


New Member
In the beginning of the second lord of the rings (TTT) in one of the scenes when aragorn, gimli and legolas are running you can see orlando bloom stumble and then catch himself but you have to watch closely.


The Lion King dust scene is actually the animators spelling out SfX...which stands for some technical term, I forgot.
And the minister? That's actually his knee.
However, in The Rescuers I believe that at one point on the VHS there is a photographic image of a topless woman.


Originally Posted by HappyVac
The Lion King dust scene is actually the animators spelling out SfX...which stands for some technical term, I forgot.
And the minister? That's actually his knee.
However, in The Rescuers I believe that at one point on the VHS there is a photographic image of a topless woman.

Nope, have to disagree if you're talking about the minister from little mermaid. That is NOT his knee. I have the tape, and have played it in slo-mo with a girlfriend. Fits of giggles later, we both decided Disney animators need to get a life.


In the movie Mummy with brendon frasier, right after Brendon picks up Febe, (the main actress) and throws her on the bed, he comes out of the bedroom and shuts the door, he grabs one of the guys and he is wearing a jacket over one shoulder, then he's wearing the jacket.

cats eye

Another disney movie that has sexuality in it is Aladin. You know the part where Aladin just shows Jasmine that his carpet can fly, he says "only good teenagers have ---", you know I didn't believe it, but if you slow mo it you will hear it. Trust me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cats Eye
Another disney movie that has sexuality in it is Aladin. You know the part where Aladin just shows Jasmine that his carpet can fly, he says "only good teenagers have ---", you know I didn't believe it, but if you slow mo it you will hear it. Trust me.
It is 'all good teenagers take off your clothes'.


he does not say that... i've repeated it a thousand times, and i have the original one. he says "go get that mouse over there" and in the lion king, --- is not spelled out in the dust or anything. but in the lion king, when rafiki is mumbling to himself while he's drawing simba on the wall of his tree, he mumbles "pantyliner"


Active Member
I dunno .. I also played it over and over and over and I have the original (if that matters) and I would swear to this day the words that are said are 'all good teenagers, take off your clothes.'
Also I think you're wrong about the --- thing.. it sure looks like it.. though somenoe mentioned it may be sfx or something.


i think it's just that people are trying so hard to find stuff like that, they see or hear things that aren't there.