I was planing on moving to Ca so i was going to sell my tanks,
as of tonight there was a change of plans and i will now be moving to panama city. I live in Va and have moved my tanks several time all with in a 20 min distance, doing those it took hours to set up.
Can i pull this off. I have 2 reef tanks and one agressive tank with an eel and a moray. How do i DO this.:needhelp: :needhelp: :needhelp:
as of tonight there was a change of plans and i will now be moving to panama city. I live in Va and have moved my tanks several time all with in a 20 min distance, doing those it took hours to set up.
Can i pull this off. I have 2 reef tanks and one agressive tank with an eel and a moray. How do i DO this.:needhelp: :needhelp: :needhelp: