moving 60 gallon tank..


Just want to see if im on the right track so far..
Tomorrow i'll be moving my uncles salt water tank over to my house. The drive will be about 20 mins 1 way. So drive isn't far at all. 15 minutes if traffic is light.
Stuff I have right now for move. 2 30 gallon tubs w/ lid. 1 tub for rocks. Uncle bought brand new live rock a month ago or so. Tank has been up and running for over a year or more at his house. He has a lot of live rock. I'm guessing 50+ lbs. Enough where it stacks up all the way in the middle kind off. The tank looks like the ones where its tall.
As for the fish, he only has 2 at the moment.
How much more salt water should I go get at the store? I'm sure i'll lose some in the process of moving but i'll try to save as much. If I can't keep the rocks submerged how else can I keep them wet or how long can they usually stay out of water. My drive won't be long. Maybe I can keep them in the tub along with the water??
Once I get home, should i fill the tank back first with saltwater and then put in all the live rock with the filter running?
Oh.. im leaving the live sand in the tank with just enough water to cover the bottom.
I just want this to be a smooth move.
this will be another addition to the other 60 gallon in my living room. good thing having 2 living rooms. 1 to just use as a aquarium room.


Active Member
as for moving the entire set up it sounds like ur prepared. now, im also just getting into this but and i dont know how the life stock will do. i think you should put the 2 fish in one of the tubs with just alittle life rock. if i remember right there should be a fourm you can search for that explains that to do when moving a tank ( it was a very helpful and great fourm). i hope this helped. and also, where in souther california do you live?


Active Member
put the fish in their own container if u can
save as much of the orig. water as u can, to keep the LR wet put newspaper around it and pour salt water on it, that helps alot the daily news has soy based ink so it wont affect ur water
put the LR in the aquarium first, then add salt water
run ur filter, u most likely will have a small cycle due to moving the aquarium
have fun :hilarious cause its not really not fun moving a aquarium


hmm.. I heard about the newspaper thing somewhere.. I will try that..
After I fully setup should I get like a clean up crew or anything?


Active Member
yes get a clean up crew if u dont have one, the ones on this site are great and pretty cheap too


Okay so far, just to make sure..
Setup up tank,
Put in Live Rock
Fill up tank with water..
have extra salt water on hand in case im short.. prob pick up about 15 gallons from fish store.
Run Filter
let it cycle?
Test water?
Don't put fish in yet?
Did i tell you guys im new to salt water.. so im trying to get as much info as possible so i don't go and kill anything. Im getting everything for free so I don't lose any money if things die but I don't want anything to die.
So hopefully everything will go smoothly tomorrow.
thanks for the help!


Active Member
make sure u have a test kit, hydormeter, and the most important thing to remember is be patient when u rush things thats when you start to have problems. also pick up some books at the libary(better than buying them) and read up on the hobby, and post any questions even if u think they're stupid


Moved tank over.
Tank is 80 gallon not a 60 gallon. will be measuring again to dbl check.
right now i just have the filters running. I had 3 brand new penguin 350 filters sitting around for my other tank so I put another filter in. Brand new filter. So i currently have 1 emperor 400 and 350 in the tank right now. I lost some water so I had to go to my lfs and get 15 gallon which was perfect. Well at uncles house the tank wasn't full to the top. Maybe like 10 gallons empty..
The fish are still alive in a seperate container. 1 clown and wasn't sure on the other one. I'll have to ID it tonight.
Im heading over to petsmart soon to get some water care products. My uncle didn't have any... :notsure: Hopefully someone can answer before I leave.. need to wash up from all the move and what not this morning.. so..
What are the main essentials that I need to pick up from petsmart or LFS...
I'll prob pick up a test kit.
Water care products? what kind.
I need some food for fish..
hmm.. I'll need to read up more tonight..
Water Clear? Do I need this..
Removes nitrate and wha tnot.. I know I need this right..
thanks in advance.
I just want to get the essential stuff done until I get to read up on some more..