moving 800 miles


Can anyone give me any advice as how to move my 55 gal this distance. If I understand it right I can wrap my live rock in wet paper and place it in the orginal sterofoam containers it came in(about 75lbs). How do I go about doing this for the corals( various mushrooms attached to rock,red open brain, hammer,large colt, candy cane, cup coral and a sun coral). Also what should I do with the crushed coral substrate that I have.,Leave it in the bottom of the tank with a little water over it or what? I have 5 five gallon buckets that I use to make up my water as well as for make up wtr..Any suggestions or guide lines would be apprecitated. Also what to do with the fish. I have 1 small perc., a six line wrass, 1 royal gramma and 1 small hippo tang, a blue and a purple starfish,a cleaner shrimp, a salley lightfoot as well as various crabs and snails.


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found it !
well the wet paper will do fine... but better if you could submerge it all.. are you driving all 800 miles in a day ? the fish i would get a battery pump, for the tip and put them in a bucket with lid..and a air stone in there.. (dunno about having the critters with them.. hopefully some here will know)
and i would try to carry as much as the original water as possible (get a couple 15-20 gallon containers.. and a strong friend:) )
corals.. i dunno about.. being that most can handle 2nd day air.. i would think the bucket deal would work..
the crushed coral i would scoop and put into a buck/container too.. with some tank water over it..
i think i got all your ?'s.. thats how i moved my saltwater in my hold house, but i was only a 30 min drive..