Dude. 35 gallons of rock and water is frekkin heavy.
I would use a bigger than 10 gal for the fish and critters.
Tank, sand and a little water will weigh a lot. You also might stress and crack the tank under the weight. Not that I would not do it but its risky. You would hate to get the tank set up and find that a seam is leaking.
Put back the base rock 1st then the sand. That way you have a stable base rock. Wait for the sand to settle. Then replace the rock and wait for the sand to settle again. Then add the corals then the fish. Remember wimps first. give them time to find there way in the tank. then add the bullies.
Aclimate corals, fish and inverts as though they came from a store.
This whole process could take a week. So be prepared with heaters and lights and powerheads. ITs not hard but it is time consuming.
O yea. Make a fish, coral check list b4 you start. Check them off as you go so you dont loose anyone in the rocks. Some critters like to hide.
Take pics b4 the move and after to compare.
Originally Posted by MOPARDWH
Good advice so far, thanks. So heres the plan.
1. Remove roughly 1/3 of the water and put into 2 35gal containers. (For LR). I figure I would divide the 80# of LR into 2 containers to reduce the weight.
2. Remove the rock individually, and clean into a third container. Dispose of water when finished.
3. Capture Purple Lobster as soon as visible, before WWIII happens vs. CBS.
4. Remove another portion of water and put in 2 10gal container. (For fish and verts, 2 groups).
5. Capture group 1: Brittle stars, CBS, crabs, and corals.
6. Capture group 2: Cleaner shrimp (2), and fish (4).
7. Clean equipment, sand and tank, leaving sand and a few inches of water in tank.
8. Load tank, and containers (with lids) into SUV, load stand and remaining containers if any, into car.
9. Travel 25 miles to new location.
10. Setup stand, aquarium and equipment.
11. Put everything back; rock, coral, verts then fish.
Anything I should change? Acclimate into thier own water if all I do is top it off?