Moving a Polyp


Quick question:
I have had one blue mushroom polyp growing on a piece of LR for a few months...I recently bought better lighting and the polyp started growing pretty fast. I have been waiting to see if it would reproduce, and yesturday I noticed a very small polyp attatched to a piece of crushed coral. (Finally!!) I would like to move it to the same piece of LR that the original polyp is on. Is it possible to remove the polyps from the water and crazy glue the small pice of crushed coral to the LR? I have read a few messages about fragmenting and I am not really sure about the crazy glue idea. Please write back if anyone has any suggestions or opinions. Thanks a lot.


Active Member
You can use superglue gel and glue it to the rock. :D
Super glue gel is for marine use. Don't use regular superglue. :happyfish


Active Member
The superglue gel works well, but takes a little getting used to. There are also methods for using netting to wrap the polyp to a rock to encourage it to attach without blowing away, and some corals can even be sewn onto rocks using needle and thread.


I reccomend using some type of adhesive. Using netting is more of a mess. One of my snails got all tangled up in it and it is more of an eye sore. Many methods will work, but I'm more a fan of using glue.


ok, i just went to CVS and bought the CVS Brand "Super Glue Gel". It doesn't say anywhere on it, for marine use. Is this the glue I want to use? How can I tell if it is dangerous for my tank?


please, someone let me know if this is ok...i don't wanna end up using some kind of toxic glue that will wipe out my whole system....thanks!


You should be just fine. I glued a ricordea last night with regular crazy glue, today everthing looks ok to me. The net is used to help keep it in place because they release some fuzzy stuff and free themselves after you've glued it.


Reg Crazy glue will work fine, only thing keep and eye on it as it adherence is not long lasting within the water. You can also use a small section of fishing line and do a quick wrap and knot on the piece of frag to frag for added security