moving a tank and cycling


Hi, I'm startining a Fish Only tank for my new office. I have every thing sitting in my living room just waiting to start. but it will be a couple weeks or so before the put the carpet in my office. can I start the cycle and then move the tank to my office when they finish the carpet. will I have to Re-cycle or just move on. I plan on doing Live Sand first then adding the Live Rock once it is cycled. then add the fish. any help or addvice would be grately appreciated. Just sitting and waiting, to sit and wait (for the cyle) is driving me nuts. the carpet guys were suposed to have the carpet in by now but they got behind. so I now have all these goodies just sitting here.


Well I would just wait. I think it would be to much work. You might wont to add the ls and the lr when u set it up, I wouldnt wait to add the lr when its done cycleing becuase the lr might not be cured. Also what kind of fish are you planning on getting? what are the supplies you have??
Ben R.


38 gal tank
15 pnd bag of instant ocean salt
40 pnd Araalive reef sand
Marina floating thermometer
Instant ocean hydrometer
Hydor 150w heater
Marineland penguin 350 Bio-Wheel power filter
Seachem marine buffer pH 8.3
Red Sea pH - Alkalinity test lab
and a new 5 gal bucket

a couple Clowns
a Jewel Damsel
a Domino Damsel
and a Pygmy Angel
a Blue Linka if tyhey can fit in my tank Havent read much on them yet
a blue and a red Hermit
a cleaner shrimp
I think thats it. :joy:
the wait it killling me

My office is onlly a block down the road so if i could start the tank now i would give me something to do, and start the cycleing process


Add the LR and LS at the same time!!! Let it all cycle or do like me and add enough and you wont cycle.


unless you plan on moving an intact tank without taking any of the sand or rock out, you will have to cycle it twice if you set it up then take it down. the "nitrogen cycle" is actually a series of bacterial population booms and busts as they compete with each other for nutrients and space. if you take out the sand and rock, you will disrupt the population distributions and boundaries that the bacteria took a month to establish. you'll get bacteria needing oxygen that will suffocate in the bottom of the sand, anaerobic bacteria that are poisoned by oxygen on the surface, and they'll all have to reestablish their boundaries.

just be patient and set it up wherever it will be set up permanently to avoid killing any more of the neat stuff in the live rock than is absolutely necessary.


Originally Posted by acekjd83
unless you plan on moving an intact tank without taking any of the sand or rock out, you will have to cycle it twice if you set it up then take it down. the "nitrogen cycle" is actually a series of bacterial population booms and busts as they compete with each other for nutrients and space. if you take out the sand and rock, you will disrupt the population distributions and boundaries that the bacteria took a month to establish. you'll get bacteria needing oxygen that will suffocate in the bottom of the sand, anaerobic bacteria that are poisoned by oxygen on the surface, and they'll all have to reestablish their boundaries.

just be patient and set it up wherever it will be set up permanently to avoid killing any more of the neat stuff in the live rock than is absolutely necessary.

thanks a lot
I'll wait