Moving a tank


Get as many people as you can too help. I just moved my 29gal about 2 weeks ago. I took out as much water as possible....prolly about 3/4 of it but dont throw the water out keep it to add it back to the tank. I left all the fish and rock and stuff in the tank. Ur fish are gonna go bannanas so expect it. And dont think you can have enuff people lifting the tank. My 29gal was very very very very heavy even with that much water gone. Just try to leave everything in tact and not to have the water splash too much. I just moved around the corner sooo it wasnt that bad but it was still very very heavy.


Active Member
DO NOT move your tank with water rock or sand in it. Some people say they have done it but I'm telling you it's a bad idea. You risk breaking the bottom glass or blowing a seam and then your really out of luck. You want to remove all the stuff from your tank and then put it back in after the move. You must realize your tank will more than likely have a mini cycle. especially if you remove a dsb.


i move a 30 about a year ago and did my 75 about about 5 months ago and the 30 was SOOOO much easier...
just get some buckets with tops from home depot save as much water as you can and dig out the sand and put into buckets too...
oh and in vest in a dustpan (works great for digging up the sandbed)
for a 30 get 2 people to help carry stuff and you'll be fine...


New Member
I moved my 55 gal from Tennessee to Wyoming. It took a while to get things back in order.
I removed all the water, rocks, fish, etc.. Five gallon buckets work well. Lowes or Home Depot sell the buckets with lids if you do not have enough. Keep as much water as you can. I layered each bucket as the tank is layered. I had crushed coral in the bottom of each bucket, then the LR, a few fish and as much water as each bucket would hold. I ran air to each bucket each night while on the trip.
Everything was fine. I didn't check the levels after I set the tank up, but I am sure it probably did go through a mini cycle.
Everything is up and running. Good luck!!


New Member
Whereabouts in Wyoming? And a hearty welcome to our lovely State! A Kansan transplant myself! :)


i moved with everything in it. If it didnt break the glass while sitting on the stand i dont see how it would break the glass in the back of a truck.
it's not the sitting in the house or the truck that can break the tank... it's the additional stress of uneven support when you have a mere few hands under it as opposed to a stand.


from out the house into a truck and then back into a house.........i can see maybe a 55gal or maybe something bigger but not a 30gal or smaller. Different strokes for different folks....i moved mine and didnt have the slightest problem


Active Member
When the tank is sitting on the stand in a home it's not being sloshed around. This can and most times will cause problems when you move a tank this way. You just got lucky it didn't bust.


New Member
s_l_pugh - Sheridan also! In all the years I've been online, rarely have I met anyone else from Wyoming. And now we're in the same town. Welcome to Sheridan!


it didnt slosh around cuz i was careful not to let it slosh around. I wasnt lucky it didnt bust....i was careful so it didnt bust.


New Member
Do you go to Pets'n'Stuff? Do you know of any other places to buy from? Would you be interested in splitting an order from
Can you send me an e-mail?
Sarah --


Active Member
UM pretty sure it was sloshing around in the back of the truck. Wait thats right water dosen't slosh around in the back of a pickup truck as long as your carefull.


it wasnt in a back of a pickup was a Tahoe and we moved around a corner......walking distance. And if you ever rode in a newer Tahoe....or any newer SUV you know most are like riding on air....speak on what you know.


in slicks defense, I have A LIMITED ADDition FORD EXPLORER with air ride, nice and soft and very smooth...when I buy water at my LFS I have to TIE it down and it's only 1 mile from my house other wise its sloshes around then falls over and I have water poring out the back of my nice and expensive SUV with leather ********. I agree, when moving a large tank you must remove as much as you can. My 75 gal tank weighs 160 lbs totally empty...any question


again speak on what you know of.....i said that my tank was only 1/4 the way full if your ride was so bad that it knocked your jug over then you either need to learn how to drive or try missing pot holes or something. My LFS is about 15-20 miles from my house and i go pick up water in my Z and its no where near a soft, cushioned ride. If i run over a rock in my car i feel it yet i dont have to tie down the jug.


Well since you were there and no one else but you and your buddies, it worked for you, you have a small tank, if anyone else is reading this thread thinking to move it the way you are you are giving bad advice. "Speak what you know" do you have a 75 gal or a 90 or bigger? This isn't about you but to anyone who has tanks to move. Yes you were LUCKY but to anyone else it may be a nightmare, speak what you know. Large tanks don't move well with water or anything else in it. If you have a large tank, empty it, all the way, put your fish and sand and water in buckets all separate from each other that you can seal. If it's long distance and you are with your fish then add an airstone preferably battery operated. If not do the air stone when you can. Good luck on your move. Buy the way any large vehicle will do, pick-up as long as it isn't cold or too hot otherwise you can use your OLD SUV or newer to move your expensive hobby or if you will your babies :cool:


I am speakin of what i know of....the thread was about a 30gal. I have a 29 gal that i moved. I too have a 100gal....and you right i wouldnt suggest moving that with water or rock or sand or anything else in it. Not only because of breaking the seals....but the tank without anything in it weights almost a 100lbs. With the smallest of anything in it and it will be at 200lbs easily. I wouldnt even suggest moving a 55gal with something in it. But this thread was about a 30gal. So for anyone else who misunderstood me......i was only giving an OPINION on how to move a 30GAL OR SMALLER.