MOVING all livestock and coral must go


Active Member
Take a look at my photobucket for pictures too many to post
Damsels I will sell in bunches of three or more
5+ inch foxface
4+ inch scopus tang
6 domino damsels
6 blue yellow tail damsels
snow flake eel
75 gallon tank
Blue spoted puffer
2 fire gobies
2 huge cleaner shrimp
3 peppermint shrimp I think they hide under a large rock with lights on
copperbanded butterfly large
snow flake eel
I also have a 125 complete setup with sump for a upto a 400 gallon tank.
The 75 is complete with a 50 gallon sump
The tank setups will not be sold in pieces but as a whole only
The live rock can be sold pickup only as a whole as well. I will not sell single pieces of the hardware.
look at the one that says june everything is larger now obviously.
Check out the the one that says eb@y on it as well as im selling those items as well. complete moving sale.


Active Member
Frogspawn $18 waking up

Pulsing Xenia $20 the head is 12 inches across

Yellow polyps 1 rock $30

Yellow polyps 2 $35


Active Member
Yuma 1 rock atleast 6 heads one around the size of a baseball in circumference if not larger $ 40

2 $15


Active Member
more zoos $40

2 cocos $35

3 the brown and green I think are mint chocolates $

4 $40 red and green zoo


Active Member
I think this is sponge but I dunno I have two of these fully open under my other tanks pc lights around 9 inches across. $ 35 a piece 60 combined

left side 75 gallon shrroms $5 a piece

devils hand $30


Active Member
My fav torch $40 comes on decent sized rock with lots of hitchhikers all good :)

clam $50

right side


Active Member
gobies puffer and two shrimp cleaner

125, foxface and scopus bottom middle you can see some of the blue yellow tails and the dominos The sfe is hard to get a picture of if needed let me know and ill do it on feeding day


Active Member
125 sump

75 sump

If you want more detailed pictures check my photobucket as I did not post all of them.
I can also take a specific picture if required. I just do not want to toss my hand in for each one as I like to keep them as undistrubed as possible.


How much for the 2nd picture of yellow poylps? and the pink zoos and the dark pink zoos....shipping to 20611 thank you!


Active Member
Originally Posted by uberbatman
Interested in the torch, yuma, and cleaner shrimp. How much do they cost?
(dont know if i can send or receive PMs since im new, my email is
removed is my email I am not able to add yours.
Originally Posted by fishylisa

How much for the 2nd picture of yellow poylps? and the pink zoos and the dark pink zoos....shipping to 20611 thank you!
pm's sent