Moving an Aquarium


New Member
Hi, I am a second time newbie. Although I have had aquariums in the past (15 years ago, 80, 2x50's) I am know watching things more closely. I am Moving a 120 gal. to another wall. Here's the setup
120 gal with two wet/dry filters (150 gal each) with one running skimmer.
50# of LR.
2 x tomato clown,
1 banded shrimp,
1 wrasse,
1 yellow tang,
Emerald Crab,
choc. chip star,
and a few snails.
Tank has been setup for about 6 weeks. No cycle to speak of. LR came from 45 gal with three of the fish. I had very Hi nitrates after buying and moving the 45 (I blame the Nitrates on the 4 hour transporting and setup of the astablised tank along with the fact the gravel in the tank was a mess). Did several water changes and could not bring them down. So I started the 120 with all new water then after two days acclimated the rock and fish over. After three weeks I finally saw some Nitrates but not Ammonia, or Nitrites.
My question, if I put all live rock fish in buckets. Drain the 120 into trash cans and move the aquarium and put all back into tank, will I likely see Nitrate problems again? I am guessing that I will have the move done within 2 - 3 hours.


on a smaller scale. i just helped my friend move his 55 and we used all the same water -10% for a water change. that was 2 weeks ago and he has had no spike problems or any of that.
macro also lowers nitrates.


New Member
This is what I was hoping... Don't remember having problems before, but I gave the hobbie up because my tank from 15 years ago crashed with some very nice fish that I had for a few years. I didn't want this to happen again even thought it's a new setup. Just don't want to stress the fish more than necessary..
Thanks for the reply.....


New Member
OK I have moved the aquarium, I used 5 gal buckets to store the rocks in, I placed the buckets in the aquarium and placed the rocks without exposing them to air. I put the remaining water in trash cans, and the fish in food containers. Took about 3 hours to do the whole move. It's been 5 days and all looks well so far.


New Member
Yes it was still heavy, but with all rock and water out it was about 300 - 400 lbs. I bought some of the pads from Walmart advertised for moving furniture and used 4 of the large pads... Lifted each end of the stand enough to put the pads under the corners and then I pushed it like it was on rollers...When I got it where I wanted it I removed the pads... The pads have neopreme rubber on the top and the bottom is like teflon, very slick makes it much easier to move things on carpet....


Those moving pads are really smart, it saves you from having a major backache the next day too!! You can moved the heaviest things with ease using those things. I moved a stacked up set of bunkbeds to the other side of the room once using those was like pushing air!
Im so glad everything went well with your move... I hope I NEVER have to move mine! But in looking at my livingroom, I have no idea where we are going to have a Christmas tree this year.. at my moms house I guess!