Moving an Established Tank


We are in the process of setting up our tank. It's nearing the end of it's first cycle (we are on week 4 or 5) - Because we are new to the hobby we would like to half-start over. What I mean by that is add some more live rock, live sand, lattice work for gobies, etc but use the same water and cleanup crew that we have now. The problem we are running into is that we may be moving sometime in the next 6 months. Our living arrangements really depend on our room mates and so we arent sure what the future holds.
If we do invest the time and effort now to add the additional live rock and live sand and continue to cycle the tank with perhaps one or two more additional fish, how dangerous to the livestock and structure of the tank's ecosystem would it be to move it sometime later?
I'm assuming we would bag the fish similiar to how the LFS does. Then fill a few buckets with water and submerge the live rock. Then drain the water into larger buckets for transport. Is there anything else we would need to consider? Would moving everything around cause harm?


I've moved a 125gal twice now. Its not too bad. I replaced the sand . When you remove it from the existing tank, the stuff that comes out looks/smells pretty bad and I couldn't bring myself to put it back in.