Moving and System Reset Questions


I recently purchased a home and will be relocating my 90g FO with built in overflow. Since I will be resetting the system and starting over, I am taking the opportunity to change any aspects of my setup that I should. I am will be using RODI water this time rather than tap like last time. Here is my current setup:
2-3 inches crushed coral bottom
6-7 large, very porous (sp?) fake rocks
wet/dry filter
hang on back CPR protein skimmer
I think my crushed coral is nothing more than a nitrate trap and am considering going to a thin layer of sand or maybe using 1/2" of crushed coral for the new bottom.
I also want to add some live rock when I set up the new system. Do I still need the bio balls? Is it possible that the rocks that have been in my aquarium for 3 years have bacteria growing in them? They are fake but simiulate real rock in that have millions of holes in them and a ton of water comes out of it when I lift a piece out of the water. Is it possible that this fake rock is now live?
I have been fighting high nitrate and phosphate levels for some time and am hoping to change to a setup that will allow me to keep these levels lower.
Current fish are Emp. Angel Juvi, 2 ocellaris clowns and 1 blue hippo tang. I am hoping to find a hotel they can stay at while the system resets.
What other suggestions would anyone make to this system? I welcome your suggestions!


I'm really surprised no one else has chimed in yet, but I will give you my thoughts. Definately get rid of the crushed coral while you have a chance. I'm sure it is a contributing factor to your nitrate issues. I don't think you will ever regret changing to sand.
Live rock will definately benefit your system. Since the fake rock has been in there so long, it's bound to have some beneficial bacteria. Maybe you could use the fake as base rock, and put the live rock on top of it.
Switching to RO/DI should definately help your phosphates. I got lazy for awhile and started using tap water and I could really tell a difference.
Everything you have mentioned would be a positive change in my opinion. Good luck with the move!


First of all - Congrats on the house!!! I do agree - get rid of the CC and go with the live sand. Also, use the rock you have as base rock and get some good live rock to add on top of it. You will need a clean up crew with the sand - I am right outside of Cleveland - I can point you to some great places to do this on a budget.


Thanks Dina! I am happy to hear your suggestions.
It will be ok to remove the bio balls if I add live rock to the system right?