Moving aneme to new tank


I've got a bubble-tip anemone in a 29gall aquapod. The anemone seems to be doing fine, but water clarity in the tank is struggling and I'd like to move the anemone to my larger 55gallon tank that is doing wonderfully!
Any tips on getting this guy moved with as little trauma as possible? Right now he's got himself seriously wedged into a hole in one of the three pieces of live rock in the little tank. I don't really want to move the live rock with him, just let him find a new place one one of the better pieces in the 55 gallon tank.
I've heard that sliding a nail UNDER his foot to gently release him from the rock is a good way to unseat him in preperation for moving, but this sounds kinda dangerous, can anyone offer some tips?
This anemone was originally purchased with a clownfish that was using it, however being a newbie, I didn't know you couldn't mix species of clown, so the skunk clown that was using the anemone was moved to the big tank. My hope is that when the anemone gets moved, he will eventually pair back up with it. Any chance of that happening?


Active Member
Try setting up a powerhead that will blow on it. Sometimes a change in flow will cause them to move. Try and ice cube filled zip lock bag put on its foot for a while this might also work.


Got it moved, no problem. The powerhead idea worked wonders to get him to start moving, once he was out of the crevise, I was able to get him off the rock using the blunt nail trick, worked great!
He's now happy in the big tank.


Sure, once it's settled and "opens up" again - right now it's a little angry over being moved... man, anemones are moody!