Moving Corals & Lighting ?


Starting up a 125 gal.
Currently I have a 2 year old 29 gal with 130w pc's that I run for 10 hours a day.
A few fish and some corals are in this tank.
Not sure if I'm going to cannibalize the tank or leave it running.
I will however want to move some of these corals to the 125.
All corals are doing fine with the exception of the lobo & blasto,which were purchased this way (for cheap) in hopes to bring them back)

The 125 is 72'L x 18" d x 22" tall
Not much L/R yet,only about 28lbs or so.
I'm running a 72" Hamilton light with 3 175 watt 10k halides & 2 96 w actinic PC's.Currently it's about 3" off the glass.
Will there be a problem moving corals do to the extra lighting ?
If so,should/can I move them and start everything low in the tank and maybe only run the lights for 5 hrs or so to start,then build up the time?
(or is this not necessary?)
Looking for suggestions on "how to" transfer these with the least amount of stress,especially since all seem to be doing fine in their current envrioment.

Corals are as follows:
Fox Coral
Trumpet Coral
A few Acans
St. Thomas Mushroom
A few Mushroom rocks
Open Brain
Lobo (with recession)
Blastomussa Wellsi(also with recession)
Yellow Cup Coral
A few Zoas & palys
Any help/ideas would be appreciated.


I would start the corals low in the tank with the lights on few hours a day and slowly add hours throughout the week. Once you notice the corals opening up and look happy, you will probably be ok with placing your corals where you want, with respect to the type of lighting they need. I would think that if you match your salinity in both tanks along with temp, you should be able to move them right over. Another thing you might want to consider is the cycling of your new tank. I broke my 55g down, moved rocks, coral and sand right over, so my tank had little cycling and was able to move all livestock with no problems. Hope this helps and that is just my experience in how I did it, but maybe others have more incite than myself.