Moving fish, is it worth the risk ??

By April I should be well on my way to moving to Arizona. My question is should I just trade my fish that I have now for equipt
for my new tank I'll be setting up?? Im not sure how fish will do during road trip, just hoping my LR as long as its submerged during the trip will be ok. Any replies will be appreciated. :confused:


Could be personal. What fish do you have? If I was attached to them :rolleyes: I'd go to fish store and fill up bag w/air and take them with me. How long of a trip is it? I'd also put them in a cooler to hold temp. If a long way, try sealed rubbermaid w/battery operated air stone? w/fish swimming in small amount of lr.? Then again ...I love my clowns!


Active Member
i personally, love my little buddies, would love to see them get to a good home, and a road trip like that could be very stressful for them, especially since you probably won't have everything rady for them when you get there
The live rock will regrow, if you lose anything, this only depends on how long of a trip, if you have the space, you can use coolers and battery powered air pumps (this may help preseeerve any thing on it), if not and it will be a short trip, you could use wet newspaper and some tank water
but unless yourare taking the water, you will need time to set up and cycle and for the sand to settle, the tank before adding the fish So if all goes well, you are talking at least (i'm guessing here) a week, probably more before your fish can be put into the aquarium
murphy's law being my best friends, I know that I would not be satisfied with the water for at least that long, probably much longer, but considerin g the sand and rock is cycled, it may go a little faster, but with the move (be nice and say one day to tear down and drive), one day to set up and circ, let sand settle, arrange rock and a couple of days to cycle water
the call is yours and best of luck to you
Thanks for the replies, Its a pretty long drive from Chicagoland area to Glendale AZ
so as hard as it may be Its probably best to find a new home for them I think I'll miss the Naso & Antennata the most but trade in time was just around the corner for the Naso
anyway. Thanks again for the advice. :)