moving from 55gal to 125 gal


I am picking up my 125 gal tongith and plan to transition over to it tomorrow. If I save all 55gal from my other tank and use it in this tank will I still need to cycle or will ~45-50 gal be enough to keep the tank running without a cycle? I am also switching from cc to LS and LR so do I need to save any or my old CC maybe put it in my sump or something??


I would say that you need to let ur tank cycle again with that bigger tank. Plus you said that you are switching to LS and LR mine as well do it all at the same time to cycle. About the CC I would throw it out. I did 50/50 with my 75 because my OL'LADY loves to keep everything in the tank and I HATE IT NOW. So get rid of it. Good luck with the move.
What are you doing with the livestock in the current 55? And, what kind of livestock? If I remeber it's a FOWLR right? If so, you can get away without recycling. It's like doing a 60% water change. Fish may be stressed for a week or two, but the bacteria and all will catch up. Just make sure the new water's parameters match the old water.


yeah old tank was FO no LR new tank is FOWLR and LS. I moved my little buddies last night from the old house to a temp 20 gal tank at the new house :nervous: That was a bit scary but its over and they seem to be going fine in the temp tank. I moved about 40gal of water from the old tank to the 125 and its running right now waiting for the sand to settle down. The plastic idea didnt work too great but this morning I can actuily see through to the back of the tank so thats a plus. the live rock and live sand will be here tomorrow I hope then after a few days I can move the fish again to the new tank.