Moving got some Q'ss



I am moving in a couple of weeks. I have a 75gal fowlr tank. I want to tear down and rest in one day. Is this possible can i store all my fish and lr in containers for transport then refill my tank in the same day, or do i need to cycle the tank again???
Any suggestions would be great.


Active Member
If you're using the same LS & LR and it is kept wet and not too hot, a couple days shouldn't kill the beneficial bacteria-so it shouldn't recycle. When I moved I had the tank down for 1 day and the LR & LS kept wet my 55g did not recycle. That is one man's experience. Maybe someone else has a different experience, but I would do it again with no worry.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by f_150ryan
I am moving in a couple of weeks. I have a 75gal fowlr tank. I want to tear down and rest in one day. Is this possible can i store all my fish and lr in containers for transport then refill my tank in the same day, or do i need to cycle the tank again???
Any suggestions would be great.

Save as much of the original water as you can in 5g jugs...that way it really is no different than a huge water change. That is the way I always did it.
The only suggestion i have is chack around with LFS/aquarium services to see if they can provide or help find someone with the ability to drain and move the water. A friend and I had a water supply guy pump the tank and move the water, it wasnt expensive and really saved time and back, we moved a 55g 25 miles in 4 hours no casualties, no major stress to critters, me , my friend or our wives.


i moved my 30 gal abouts 2.5 hours away, i just kept the LR in a tupperware container with original water in it, and my one clown in another tupperware container with original water. left some water in the sand after draining. got it there filled it up and let it run for a day just cause the salt had to fully dissolve and sand had to settle, then put the LR in... then 12 hours later acclimated and put the fish in... worked for me! and it was a good way to semi cure the LR, get all the dead junk off it so it wouldnt cause an ammonia spike. all the while the clown was sitting out, i had a small bubbler going to oxygenate the water... he didnt mindhe actually ate like normal while in the container... hes a tough little bugger thats for sure