Moving houses and my DT

i love fish

When shifting do you just bag your fish like the do at the LFS?
Do you refil your tank with the same water?
Does any of the nitrifying bacteria die during the process?
What do you do with the coral?


I moved my tank twice in the last 3 months. I moved my 75G across town and then recently i moved everything from my old 75G to a new 125G.
Buy a lot of 5 gallon buckets. Save as much water as you can. I put my fish and corals in 5 gallon buckets. I put my sand in 5 gallon buckets. Don't clean anything when you move it. If you want to clean, clean everything a week before you move.
You want to keep as much bacteria as possible to avoid a cycle. I bought 2 NEW 35 gallon trash cans to put 50 gallons of water in. So i could drain the tank.
I made a few trips between houses just for the water, but nothing died on me. My Hippo stayed in the rocks for the first day after the move but that was it. He's still fat healthy and happy now.


i moved to.. did my 29 G tank with 10 g QT and SIMPLE..
just got the bags that you get from LFS to put fish in...
FIRST GO TO and place and get Rubber maid containers.. after you can use them for storage. cheep
next take out LR.. but them in some water.. and take our coral
then I drained out about 80% of the water to take out the fish as my clown fish didnt' want to get into the net.. easier when there was less water for them to move around..
then go to new place.. set up tank.. i put back my water first.. (i left my substrate in but had to take out A bit for weight) make sure you put in like a little bowl so you don't stir up your base..
then after that poor in all you water LR, coral and fish...
I have had mine up for about a good month and bit.. NO LOSS..


Oh when you drive to new place..
DRIVE SLOW and turn slow or you will have water in your van.. like i did last turn and lost about 2-4 gallons of water..

i love fish

thanks for your advice, Its cool dat u have a blue hippo, I wanna get one but I've heard alot of bad stuff about em, I was wondering if you could either crush it or confirm it whether the stuff I hear is true or not. Did you have any problems with it acclimitizing? Has it ever had ich or any other kind of skin problems coz I hear that they call em the crowned kings of Ich. Are they really difficult to feed, and feed manly on planton? I really love blue hippos and really wanna get one but I'm so scared that all that bad stuff is true.
Hope you can help.


David24;2534271 said:
Buy a lot of 5 gallon buckets. QUOTE]
I second this. I did my 55g, 29g and 10g QT transfer all with 5 gallon buckets. I put fish in 2 of them and the rocks with the water in the rest. I scooped out as much sand as I needed to to be able to carry the tank (I have 4-5" DSB and that stuff is HEAVY!!!!) and kept water in the buckets with the sand. As long as you keep everything wet (mainly rock) to keep the bacteria alive you shouldn't have a re-cycle. The only thing that happened to my tank is that a lot of the coraline aglea growth on the back panel died off which kind of sucked, but it's growing back.
By the way you'll have a whole new appreciation for moving


Active Member
Just to add............ I moved my 72 bow last May..........
If you move your substrate there will be somewhat of a cycle to deal with. I can not for sure answer all your questions but watch for this issue.
One tip I leaned would be this. I found when moving my tank to a new home the biggest issue for me was disturbing the substrate. I used large tubs had friends helping and controlled temperature fairly well. I thought all was well till about two days after the move. I lost 2 fish and 1 shrimp due to a mini- spike from the move. Be careful and watch for this issue with the disturbing of your substrate so much............ It will spike the tank.
If I had to do it again all the fish would some how go threw a quarantine type period in a separate tank while the new one cycles completely. Good luck ....Warren