moving live rock


I am in the process of moving, my tank will be down for approximatly one month. I have 100 lbs of beautiful live rock which my IFS say they will not buy back, they want me to give it to them, yeah right!, what i am pondering is I think i am going to get a rubbermade container put the rock in it with the sand and cover everything with the tank water.. and just go for it..Once I get my tank set up i am thinking that i will just put everything in it add some new live rock and water and possibly some new sand and let it go for a few months. I am wondering if anyone has any ideas or experience doing this? And do you think this will cycle my tank? Also do you think i should even bother trying to keep it alive? By maybe giving it some sunshine on the trip and running a powerhead? Sure hope there is a decent IFS when I get there.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


I just asked the same question. Someone mentioned putting it in a Rubbermaid container with a powerhead and heater, and maybe with a flo light. It is worth a shot!


Active Member
Yeah check the answers at squidbait's post on fish discussion. You can do it easily.


thank you for the ideas. I can't seem to find squidbait's post, can you help please..
I dont think i can use search without his number..
thanks again
Angelgirl :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


thanks for the help Jere, that is Riverside calif. and I am moving to Kentucky.. Just a thought would you like to have my fish I would rather see them go to a good home then sell them back to my IFS? If you are interested email me at need to let you know I
have to do it this weekend.
Angelgirl :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


New Member
posted by angelgirl
If you are interested email me at
okey doke! My tank does not arrive till end of the month, but I guess I could use a tub or something.
Email sent!


Active Member
Two of the many books I read said "when you get your live rock you could be buying it cured or un-cure, put it in a plastic trash can with some saltwater and some strong powerheads and a skimmer with no light for about two weeks - My LPS cures all of its rock for one month beofre selling it as cured - you will be fine - throw your stuff in a trash can, heat it, move the water and your good to go. Cured Live Rock


Originally posted by Old Yeller Tang:
<STRONG>When I was putting my 200g tank together, I had gathered over 300lbs of live rock to put in it. Well, it took me longer than what I had planned to make my stand, plumbing, filtration, etc., in fact well over a month. I had all my lr in buckets and rubbermaid containers with powerheads with no lighting and had little die off, in fact all the tiny feather dusters and corals(mushrooms and leathers mostly) growing on the rock stayed alive with no problems. I even had large brains and some other stoneys in containers for over a month but did put lighting over them and made water changes with no problems.
Hey, where you moving? I'm only 25min from Riverside.
[ August 17, 2001: Message edited by: Old Yeller Tang ]</STRONG>
Hi old Yeller, with all the hustle and bustle going on i almost forgot to check how did the kids do? I hope they are not raising to much cane with yours, thank you again for giving them a home. I have to pack my computer tonight so I will post when I get to Kentucky and get the computer back up,.
Thanks again
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: