Moving Mushroom


I have a piece of LR covered in Neon Mushrooms that are doing quite well.
Is there a way to move some of them to another piece of LR in my tank?


Active Member
You can do a couple of things:
-Place LR rubble near your shrooms, and hope they split/spread to the rubble.
-frag the shrooms. (There's a detailed pictorial thread on this somewhere)
Fragging shrooms has worked great for me so far. I'd do some research, and see if you feel comfortable doing it though.


Active Member
you will be shocked at how easy fraging shrooms is. i find them to be VERY hardy and up to almost anything. I have cut then with razors and or sissors with no problems ,Heck i have even ripped them apart and still had no problems.
just take the cuttings and toss them in somthing with little pieces of rubble and place the container in a low flow area of your tank. In a few days they will attach. then glue those pieces to where ever you want, works great. I have purchased maybe ten different shrooms in the years we have had our tank set up but we now have countless shrooms in the tank. All done like said above


Also as an added bonus, the torn tissue left behind from where you frag will eventually grow to be another shroom :)


you can also point a powerhead towards them and they will move away from the high flow and also leave baby shrooms behind.