Moving my reef half way across country, should I risk it?


Active Member
I am sooooooooooo tempted to take it wilh me :notsure: Original plan was to leave it for new owners, if they want it (its an in wall tank that definetly goes with the natical themed room) and if they didn't want it, sell it off, maybe on the auction site, not sure it will sell though, its on a 2x4 stand, so wouldn't be selling a full set up. :notsure: But I just don't want to start all over when we get to texas. But the trip will take 48 hrs in a uhaul truck, can it be done? Once we get there i could leave the LR in the trash cans with wheels and put fish and corals in a 15 gal and 10 gal tanks for a day or 2 until I get out to buy a tank, or at least a stand for my 75 (but thinking of upgrading to a larger tank since i am tearing down anyway
) Any suggestions? Heres a pic of what I have, so it won't be easy. I have 6 fish also.



Active Member
what i would do, is what im planning on doing when i move to fl.
If you have someone local you know (where you are now) have them hold your corals and fish....
take the live rock with you (cheaper)
set up your new tank get everything up to speed...then have them over night mail you your fish and corals :)
no one should die that way, and everything will stay stable.
i would also take 30+ gallons of water when you when you move (bacteria)


Active Member
man, that sounds really dangerous, i would keep the rock/sand and sell everything else, and make what money you can, because odds are it will die...


Not necessarily reefer friends, but ask your LFS if they will send it to you once you set up after the move. I'm sure they will for a few dollars.


Active Member
I wouldn't take my fish, they wouldn't make it for sure, but some of my corals should, mostly softies, guess I will have to think more on this, any other opinions out there?


Where are you moving to? I would try to find a reefer on this board that live close to your new moving location and ask them if they can hold for you then overnight fishes and corals and bring all rocks and sand with you when you move.


Originally Posted by puffer32
I wouldn't take my fish, they wouldn't make it for sure, but some of my corals should, mostly softies, guess I will have to think more on this, any other opinions out there?
Want to send some corals to me? or do you want to sell me some? Email me if you want to work something out?
Whats your email address?


Active Member
I will be moving to Euless or Bedford (house hunting now) but not for afew months.
Blue, can we work out something? Do you have room to hold my stuff awhile? I don't want to sell them, thats the whole point of this thread, being able to keep them
But if we can work something out, I would frag what I could for you. Let me know, my email is