Moving new Xenia from "shipping" rock?


Today I received a small White Pom Pom Xenia and just finished acclimating and such but my question is about the "rock" that the Xenia came on... it's kind of this ugly Pink, Perfectly square thing that looks way out of place in my tank...
Should I, or can I move the Xenia somehow off this ugly little rock and onto my Live rock...
I have a few other "beginner" corals, but they all came on "normal" rocks that looked normal when I put them in the tank. Obviously I'm still pretty new at this...


Active Member
I would for the moment leave it on the rock it's on and not stress it further since shipping.
If after a couple weeks you want it off, one way is to set it a little lower in the tank and it may climb off the shipping rock and on to another higher up.


Active Member
Yeah, give it some time. Zenia doesn't do well when shipped. Tilt the rock on it's side or lean it against another rock, the zenia will travel to the other rock,


Thanks for the link... I will give that a try... maybe leave him alone for a bit to get acclimated into the tank and then see if I can coax him off to one of my adjoining LR.